Travel in Exotic Countries

– Exotic and distant countries are a very desirable destination and very interesting. But be careful with their customs, as some of the actions more normal for you can be a serious failure in these countries. For example, whistle very careful if you are in an Arab country, can be taken as a serious offense. – Do not accept never, under any circumstances, luggage from strangers. Beware, too, and check your luggage before traveling to avoid having them anything you can commit. – At airports, railway and bus stations are usually located tourist. Get close to them to inform you of everything you need, especially if you do not speak the local language. You never know when you can understand you with someone J – Always have your driver’s license, even if you plan to use any vehicle.

I could be very important in case of an emergency. – Consultation on the borders of the countries you travel to products you can take and in what quantity, and charges that you might suppose. – If you are in a country and not know their language out of the hotel take away an identifying element of it, (cards, brochures matches) that allows you to find the place without problems – Remember that not all countries have the same voltage, so that if you bring electrical appliances is important that you take some adapter. – Place identification labels with your address and country of origin not only outside the room, but also at home and clearly visible. In case of loss, external labels may be damaged and thus can find your data.

– Always keep photocopies of important documents, to keep them on hand in case of any unforeseen. As you can see, are all these small actions, which do not have hardly any work and, in some cases, can be taken out of a bind. There are many other circumstances to consider, but as I said before, I will not spoil your trip before you start. I can only say one thing. Bon Voyage! And enjoy these days that surely you have earned.