Not all survived. V. Antonenko, heroically died April 30, 1945, the day liberation of the island from the Nazis. Initially, resistance (or passive resistance), since the fall of France before the German attack on the Soviet Union was more than modest: the spread of radiosvodok from the front and leaflets, sabotage and subversion in enterprises and military installations. The second period lasted from 22 June 1941 to November 1942, when he was defeated at Stalingrad, the 6th Army Paulus. Important events have shaken Africa and south France. In North Africa, Morocco and landed allies, the Germans occupied southern France (Free Zone) and landed troops in Tunisia.
During this period the French sailors Patriots sunk in Toulon, a French military fleet so that it is not got to the Germans. War on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union, Hitler forced France to withdraw from the 20 divisions, allowing the patriots to intensify the fight against the invaders. But the Nazis in Paris feel secure under the protection of petenovskoy gendarmerie and police, the Gestapo and the garrison units. To intensify the armed struggle in the French capital, Colonel Fabien Resistance (Pierre Georges) in a subway station Barbes – Rosheshuar shot a German officer. This was the signal for the Patriots to an open fight against the invaders, awakened from their lethargy after the disgraceful defeat and raised to fight. Response to the German command began a brutal campaign of repression and executions of hostages. Thus, near Paris, the hill of Mont Valerien were shot more than 4,500 hostages and members of the Resistance.
Speaking about the import of Japanese cars, we usually mean second-hand cars. Many used the word associated with the word old, but in fact the definition used has nothing to do with age car, and only indicates that the car had already had an owner. Here's a simple example: in December last year, the new Nissan GT-R 2008 has been sold at AUCNET as 'used' … Of what importance is the age of Japanese cars for its future owner? There are several moments. First, you see, just do not want to buy an old car, but the majority is guided more by rational considerations. For example, the same model but different years of release, may differ exterior, interior finishings, which plays a key role in choosing the age of the car. Significant role, of course, is also the idea that the newer machine, the better its state, which is nice, in most cases, Japanese cars to justify this assertion. The thing syaken – compulsory automobile inspection, which by Japanese law shall be held every two years.
And it is rigor of the audit and makes Japanese car carefully treat and monitor her condition. In addition, during the winter roads in Japan is not sprinkled with salt, as it is practiced in many other countries, therefore, corrosion and rust 'eat' the car is less than in the west. Another reason to think about the age of the machine, in addition to the technical condition are state restrictions on imports, both direct and indirect. For example, import to the United States 25 years or older car is very easy, as a 'young' cars must meet certain standards, and with machines up to 6 years in general difficult. When you import cars to Canada over 15 years do not meet no obstacles, and restricted the import of newer Canadian safety standards. Australia allows free import of machines, manufactured before January 1, 1989; for cars 'younger' more stringent rules, and each machine does not need a break ADR (Australian Design Rules), introduced to registered motor company (RAW). New Zealand has similar conditions (as amended in 1990).
In England, any machine age, at least ten years can be imported just passed MOT, newer machines have a system of restrictions ESVA. Cyprus needs a special permit to import cars manufactured more than 5 years ago. And in Pakistan and Bangladesh imports are allowed up to 4 cars years. In India – up to three, Sri Lanka – to two, Peru – up to 5 years. Restrictions on imports of Japanese cars imported to Russia at the moment are the through cars, manufactured after June 7, 2001. And on the import of cars manufactured after May 2005 years, provides a solid tax (compared with 2-7letnimi cars). If you knock out the outcome of all this, then for successfully importing Japanese cars of its age must meet three main conditions – the preferences and taste of the future owner, the technical state and government restrictions.
In late 2008, the State Federal Tariff Service on the railroad twice with 0.72 to 0.36 reduced the rates of tariff rates for transportation of cars on Russian railways in the country at a distance of over 1,000 km and up to 3,000 kilometers, inclusive. Now, transfer one unit of commodity machines, in contrast to the transport vehicle transporters in Russia, in-car grid at a distance of 3,000 km would cost AvtoVAZ in 4600 rubles against 9.2 thousand. And so, if still about 95% of all VAZovsoy products for domestic transportation market cars were delivered to Russia transporters, but now because of government subsidies for rail transport of AvtoVAZ and other manufacturers become more profitable. The signed a tripartite agreement, on the one hand, and Russian Railways RZD and RailTransAuto in 2009-2011, will carry up to 400 thousand cars per year Togliatti, against 50 000 VAZ earlier. A maritime transport has little effect and may only be exercised during the navigation season, which significantly limits the ability of transport vehicles for values over time. Most routes run through Baltic Sea in the west of Russia and the South through the Black Sea ports. A supply of cars to Russia in the Asia-Pacific region has complicated the situation of port of the Far East. Imported cars became more and construction of new ports avtoterminaly for their acceptance and handling.
On the other – to export these cars are nothing. JSC "RZD" imposed a ban on transportation of cars in the postal and baggage cars, and specialized transporters catastrophic enough. And since the fall of the market sales of foreign cars in Russia in the first two months of this year, already up 36%. At the same sale in the regions falling more rapidly than in central urban areas. The exception is only the North-West Federal District, where the decline was only 25%.
Maybe this will be the best logic. The first – the fears, anxiety, uncertainty about the future. You know, in every case, especially in our wonderful country – Belarus and Russia, when it's an alarming thought – and what will happen tomorrow? This is especially felt in including addiction, even morally, on the external circumstances – government, bosses and the like. Now I somehow purple, who are in power there. I have not pulled all sorts of rumors, gossip, and newspaper horrors. I'm not sure that everything will be fine. I just know it. Speaking in relation to the film – it gave me such techniques as "negative control" and "Positive programming".
You know, here's an example. It turns out my ads. Calls is not enough. Manager is usual in such cases begins to lament that all bad. And if I think that everything is bad, then so be it. And technology allows me to not fall into these meditative razmyshlizmy. And everything is so right. The question arises, is quite natural.
What the movie controller does not watching? Was not looking. A man in a respectable age, their principles. Salary gets regularly. And so, in principle, satisfied. Well, lament … He has such a nature. The second – the accomplishment of his plans. In fact, earlier it was a problem. Now – No. If the decision is the first problem – the foundation, the second – is already building. I made some plans to life. Good, no doubt. But how often it is a fortune-telling and probabilistic nature! Like "things will work out if ….
Summary of News for the week. Oil spill in the suburbs. Violators will be prosecuted. New year, old problems as well. China is struggling with packages. Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the development of a heart attack. Review from 01/01/2008 to 13/01/2008 in oil spill Moscow the evening of 5 January in the suburban town of the Queen of tanks of 2000 cubic meters spilled about 540 cubic meters of fuel.
About 300 cubic meters of fuel oil to the storm sewer fell into the creek Dulevo that flows into the river Klyazma. On Monday, January 7, in Russian Emergencies Ministry said that all spilled oil is already assembled and assurances, and assurances that the threat of falling oil into the river Klyazma was eliminated as soon as it became known about accident. However, as the message was not quite right. And on Thursday, January 10, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) launched a rescue operation in the flow of water birds Klyazma. The loss of wild ducks local residents The Queen watched the fourth day – have died a few tens of waterfowl.
Viscous oil in the river has become a death trap for birds. WWF, which has experience in rescuing birds at oil spill in the Kerch Strait, and this time organized a rescue operation for the rehabilitation of injured birds and has attracted a number of veterinary clinics suburbs. January 12 it became known that the MOE, Rosprirodnadzor and the government of Moscow region have developed a new plan aftermath of the accident: the rescuers are going to drain Dulevo stream by redirecting it into the water Shchelkovo collector, and then dissolve the remainder of the special substances in line with oil and dig up the contents of the channel by technology.
Topics of issue: The annual destruction of plants and animals, setting the world two trillion euros. Greenpeace declared dangerous game consoles for zdorovya.Rosprirodnadzor said the claims in BPPM. Plants in the office make happy employees and increase productivity. —- Review article Global Warming – the future we do Australian authorities have started shooting kangaroos around Canberra. Wildfire in California is out of control. Kamchatka Geyser Valley in July, will take tourists. Global warming and cooling – what next? Exotic animal trade.
Review of the week from 05.19.2008 to 25.05.2008. —- A short review of the major environmental News for the week. The state will spare no money to address environmental issues Sochi Director Regional Development Minister Dmitry Kozak, Sochi assured residents that the construction of Olympic venues for the Winter Olympic Games which will be held in 2014 in Sochi, the state would spare no money to address associated environmental problems … —- The annual destruction of plants and animals, setting the world two trillion euros annual destruction of plants and animals setting the world two trillion euros, the radio station “Deutsche Welle”, referring to the report, published in the German weekly ‘Der Spiegel’. According to the report, ‘the destruction of plants and animals the world back in 2 trillion euros (3.3 trillion U.S. dollars) per year, accounting for 6% of gross national product ‘…
—- ‘Greenpeace’ announced video game consoles are hazardous to health Game Consoles Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii are considered hazardous to health chemicals and metals, informs BBC News referring to the results of the ‘Greenpeace’ research. In this case, all three consoles fully comply with European environmental legislation … —- Japan will provide Africa $ 10 billion to combat global warming, the Government of Japan decided to provide the poorest African countries about $ 10 billion in aid in the fight against global warming. As reported before Official sources in Tokyo, the funds will be listed in the next 5 years … —- Rosprirodnadzor said the claims in BPPM and insisting on the suspension of its activities and to cease discharge of water into the lake Rosprirodnadzor at today’s preliminary hearing of the arbitration court of the Irkutsk region said a lawsuit against the Baikal pulp and paper mills. Instead of suspending its activities, as stated in lawsuit, he demanded an end to dumping sewage into Lake Baikal … —- Plants and flowers in the office make happy employees and increase productivity, experts say Americans spend an average of 52 hours per week for workers desk in the office. Many studies have shown that artificial light in the room and closed windows decrease the feeling of job satisfaction and increase levels of psychological stress. To improve productivity and operational diligence, researchers from Texas State University offer ‘greener’ offices …