According to the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, the company that really assumes its responsibility with the environment and society must create a conscious and congruent commitment to fulfill the lineamientos completely to obtain the goals of the company as much in internal it, as in the external thing, considering the expectations of all participants in economic, social or human and the environmental thing, demonstrating the respect by the ethical values, people, the communities and the environment and for the construction of the communal property it is considered like a company with corporative social responsibility. He is really worrisome to see as the problem of the global heating increases, every time are less trees, more species in extinction danger and the water is being run out and that the inhabitants of the planet Earth we do not do the sufficient thing to save it. Evidently it is important that the culture of the recycling in house, to separate the sweepings and to do compostas is continued implementing, but to end a problem it is necessary to attack the causes, not them consequences, and the main cause of which the planet is dying is the great industries that still do not take a form to operate person in charge. And the worse thing is than these companies that contaminate the air, earth and water, destroy our forests and they finish the water, continue existing thanks to the fact that to them we continued consuming. As humanity we would have to demand to all company that becomes position of not being the cause to continue aggravating the problem, to do is it no better way than not to acquire its products, in this way we will be able, although not to back down the damage already done, to stop our own self-destruction.
The social relations, as well as the nature and the animals of all the species, also evolve. Test of this is the recognition for the STF (Supremo Federal Court) of the steady union between couples of the same sex. The judicial approval of social practical one is an evident signal of that such practical already has times crystallized by this society. In this direction, and on such recognition, already no quarrel would not fit. However, it is of extreme importance the reflection on what this homoafetiva steady union can represent for the society. It will be that we live a revolutionary description-social moment of form to guarantee what the Federal Constitution already promised, in its art.
3, incorporation IV on one ' ' free society, solidary joust and (…) ' '? In parts we can affirm that yes, therefore the right of the homoafetiva steady union already until was celebrated by the famous movement ' ' Stopped of the Gay' Pride; '. However, the same movement, that congregated about 4 million people, beyond celebrating a historical conquest also n 122/2006 demanded the approval of the Project of Law, which has for main objective to criminalizar the homofobia and to institute specific penalties. Now, the reply to the previous question in such a way incoherent one can sound one. The Brazilian society already coexists couples homosexuals with rights of steady union being able, also, to constitute family by means of the adoption of children. Being thus, as it can the same society allow that homofbicos acts are practised without punishment and specific law? Thus, the reply most coherent to the questioning on what it would represent for the society the recognition of the homoafetiva steady union she would be one relative, but positive and in such a way hopeful one. The support to the couples homosexuals and the guarantee of its rights by means of a steady union represent, yes, a description-social evolution that, consequentemente, will take to other quarrels and conquests in favor of already mentioned above society ' ' it exempts, joust and solidria' ' , as it has years contemplates our Federal Constitution.
The people if appropriate of the language since infancy and of this form they become related. Following this boarding, the child when learning the said language, already verbalizada, the thought becomes susceptible the repetition and the analysis and at the same time launching hand of its intellectual constructions, says intelectualizada it. The learning is the conversion between stimulaton and reply in the same axle of the knowledge. It requires deliberate effort of the apprentice. The professor uses its previous knowledge so that the pupil develops its abilities and consequentemente he acquires new abilities. In a piagetiana boarding, he understands – that the process of learning if of in accordance with the periods of training of the development. He treats yourself to find the break-even point between the assimilation and room.
As Piaget (1975) claims: That all project of assimilation tends to feed itself, that is, to incorporate elements that it are exterior and compatible with its nature. also claims that all project of assimilation is obliged if to accomodate to the elements that assimilate, that is, if to modify in function of its particularitities, but, without with this, to lose its continuity (therefore, its closing while cycle of interdependent processes), nor its previous powers of assimilation. (PIAGET, 1975, P. 14) Complementing this boarding, Pan (1985, p.23) affirms that: ' ' the learning is the result of the joint of internal and external factors of the proper citizen, the organism, the desire to learn, the cognitivas structures and the behavior in general ' '. Still according to Pan (1985), learning possesss some contradictory functions, amongst them is distinguished it socializadora, repressora function and the transforming function. In the socializadora function: the school works inside of a social project, where the human being acts so that this is integrated in its environment. That is, to live in society, being learned to know and to coexist new cultures, to also acquire new knowledge and the convivncia with the other of a natural form followed by behavior rules, in accordance with its right-handers and duties.