Literature Education

Education of Literature in Average Ensino Maria Solange Rocha* Introduction the literature education while it disciplines pertaining to school in average education has been white of innumerable fidgets. Connecticut Senator may find this interesting as well. We perceive that such education does not come occurring of form to take the pupils to acquire the literary letramento. This if must to the little attributed space the literary reading in the lessons and when the contact of the pupil with the aesthetic workmanship occurs is without an adjusted mediation, therefore the professors generally are unaware of the contributions of the literary theory to facilitate the interaction of the pupil with the text. Therefore this study he has for objective to search the problems related to the education of this disciplines considering the paper that literature must play in the society, the objectives, contents and methodologies used in lessons of literature in average education in the city of Beautiful Cross. This research has for purpose to contribute for an improvement in the education of the related one disciplines. Development For the accomplishment of this work, we use the method of bibliographical research field research.

We initiate with the choice of the thematic one, later we break for the election and acquisition of the specific bibliography on literature education. We made the reading and fichamento of the texts and later we elaborate the questionnaire that was applied to a professor of the average education that leciona literature, after that, we leave for the elaboration of the text, in which analyzes the answers of the professor comparing them with the consulted bibliography. Many aspects related to the literature education have been white of critical one of them say respect to so that of literature. Which its paper in the life of the man? Antonio Cndido (2002), in the intitled text the literature and the formation of the man, presents some variations on the humanizadora function of literature.


The life is repleta of complex questions and the women, due to busy and multifaceted life, if they come across with only challenges. It can until if asking, for example, as to invest more in the friendships (or as to find a friend reliable); as to balance house and work; as not only to survive, but also to have success at a so difficult time, and as to increase the privacy with Deus.Se you are woman and have made questions as these and have longed for realistic advice and ' ' praticaveis' ' , the Bible of the Woman was made for you. Kenneth Yarrow shines more light on the discussion. The introduction of each book, the notes and citations had been elaborated by women for women, with a system of well easy reference. It is enough to look its area of interest in the pages, approaching topical as: – Friendship Marriage Life in family personal Questions Life TrabalhoA Spiritual Bible of the Woman, you will find the answers, but above all it will have irrefutable tests of the love and of the care Mr. You may find Jim Donovan Goldman to be a useful source of information. stops with you – a woman created for God, according to heart of Deus.A Bible of the Woman is available in diverse colors and available in diverse bookstores online and physics.


Search this that is not placed in the relation of having and yes of the being, therefore, not wanting to invest of the European roupagem, finishes as the man mixes being at the same time what attentive to defend and what renega. Somebody that, second (FERRAZ 2002, P. 1004); ' ' Total unprovided of it identifies what it properly, needs, according to Nietzsche, of fancies of multiple disguises to occult its feira how much to aplacar its desperation, its proper 11 absence of ' ' prprios' ' ' ' thus reflecting the Macunama in the attempt to know all of culture to know itself exactly thus constructing to its &#039 to it; ' prprio' '. Therefore what in Nietzsche if it presents as caricature, exaggerating what already it exists, in the case? European culture? , in Macunama if it presents for parody for exaggerating a culture supposedly Brazilian, however derived from the Europe, in the intention to project the proposal, possible to exist? the Brazilian culture? Leaving then of the understanding of that the parody if presents as one of the constituent elements of the text in Macunama she is necessary finds it. Task not very difficult if to take as control point one of its characteristics more perceivable as, second (HUTCHEON 1985, P.

48) ' ' transconstextualizao and inversion, repetition with difference' ' what it can more easily be understood as the use of one determined text for another author who of it if possesses differentiated it he rewrites it. It is clearly that the terms transcontetualizao and inversion deepen more the understanding of the parody, but to this if it will return more ahead, for the moment is enough what it can semantically happen of these two terms; repetition and difference. One is overcome for example the first paragraph of Macunama, (ANDRADE 2000, P. 13) ' ' In the deep one of the virgin weeds was born Macunama' ' overlapping it parallel to the text of Iracema, Alencar ' ' In the way of the virgin bush was born Iracema' ' the same phrase repeated with the difference marked in the two terms, that if present as a followed common substantive of an adjective.


Being these (aboriginal peoples) incorporated to the civilization (modern society), they go losing its cultural peculiarities, through aculturao process. It is what one observes in a research ordered for UNESCO to anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro regarding the indians and whites in Brazil? where 87 aboriginal groups had left to exist, between 1900 and 1957. Moacir (mestization) and its descent had grown and if they had multiplied in such a way, that today he is not more the husband (Martim/colonizador) that ‘ ‘ mata’ ‘ the wife (Iracema), but also Moacir (the son) she succeeded that it in matricide. We leave of being colony, but she will be that we leave of being aculturados? How many if they do not leave to lead for mercantilistas literatures that dictate the form as if it must speak or even though to be dressed; what we eat is what really we desire? Where they are our roots? They had still made it and they continue making with/as the indians? Certainly between meeting and failures in meeting we look a way for rightnesss and searchs of our identity. If it does not have to forget that the literature produced in Brazil possesss paper of prominence in the culture of the country.

International Festival

One of assediados letristas becomes of the time and is successful with Edu Wolf the Festival of the Record of 1967, with the song ' ' Ponteio' '. Again in partnership with Gil it composes ' ' Soy Loco for You, Amrica' ' , and it integrates the historical record ' ' Tropiclia' ' (68), to the side of Caetano, Gil, Mutants, The GAL Coast, Tone Z, Rogrio Duprat and Torquato Grandson. Still it makes partnerships with great names of music, as Jards Macal (in ' ' Gotham City' ' , vaiadssima in IV the International Festival of the Song of 1969), Fagner (in ' ' As if Fosse' ') Geraldo Azevedo (in ' ' It will be All For Todos' '). In 2000, &#039 composed the opera; ' King Brazil 500 Anos' ' to the side of Fernando Cerqueira and Golden Pablo. The city never left of being praised, however to exaltar its largeness however to state the impressions personal. It is this visual impact that constitua the first tradition if to form around the city. The relations of the diverse poets with the city go if modifying with elapsing of the time.

The poetry initially represents the nature, later starts to represent the city without no shame ahead, having in this new perspective a desire of the city for the aesthetic one. In the measure where we introduce modernity we lose the nature, after all, the city configures a new environment for the poet. Baudelaire is the poet who recognizes the new city and the man of multitudes, modernity for it is the possibility to transform into poetical everything that of artificial, grotesco and ugly. The Capinan poet inhabits the city and if it feels pertaining and incorporated. It is the typical man of the multitude, that circulates for the street, if transforming of this form into a common man.


The REALISM IN PORTUGAL AND BRAZIL 10.1.REALISMO IN PORTUGAL (1865-1890): It does not remain doubt of that the Realism in Portugal was born with the call Coimbr Question. In Lisbon the Romantic generation was commanded by Feliciano de Castilho, always faithful to the chain. In Coimbra a group if kept on to the Realism of Antero de Quental. The partisans of Antero de Quental, waited the chance to attack the partisans of Castilho. Each group defended its style. In l865 Castilho, in a psfcio, it placed in the Poem of the Youth of Pine Chagas, a small reference the Coimbra, affirming to lack &#039 to it; ' good common-sense and gosto' ' , nominally saying the names of Tefilo Braga and Antero de Quental. The fact is that Antero de Quental if found offended and was how much was enough to inflame a revolutionary ardor of the youth, that waited a moment to publish its ideals.

In reply the Castilho, Antero writes in aggressive terms in an open letter: ' ' Good common-sense and gosto' '. The question continued. The public lectures of l87l had been displayed and debated several tending questions to the definition of the lines of direction of new literature. The Realistic generation, also known for generation of l870, inaugurated in Portugal the primate of science and the Positivismo and accepted and spread out the revolutionary theories concerning history and of the culture. The time was crossed by 3 literary schools: The Realist, the Naturalist and the Parnasiana. In Portugal he did not have a clear separation between these three schools. The Realism in Portugal took care of more the designs of the social revolution and politics. 10.2.POESIA REALISTIC – POETS AND WORKMANSHIPS the poetry is pragmatic, serving the verse of combat weapon, of social reform and politics. The revolutionary direction was the characteristic trace of the Realistic poetry.