World War

It more does not advance to reason ahead of what it had lost the reason. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ohio Senator. It has some versions for the origin of the Dadasmo term, as some authors dadastas that they affirm its discovery, thus is of if considering that this confusion all of who really would have been the true author, has been proposital, to cause confusion in the mind of the people. Who after all discovered the origin of the term dadasmo? It would have been really Tzara? As we perceive for the definition of what he would be dadasmo, the characteristics of this antiartistic movement. Dadastas bothered with the war and unsatisfied for the standard of artistic representation during the periods or styles in the arts. Finished the war, dadastas comes back toward its native land, continues with its ideas dadastas and makes expositions. The last manifestation that if has with formal date, is of 1922, already from 1923, appears the surrealismo, that is, it appears, because the surrealismo already had if formed very before what supposedly she would have been it finishes it given manifestation. The surrealismo is considered the art that reflects the dreams, being a consequence or continuation of some ideas dadastas.

When the abstraction in the subject is presented and in the visual element we do not have the Dadasmo or Surrealismo. We have that to have in mind a thought, the majority of these styles in the History of the Arts if gave in periods marked for conflicts wars, as it is the case of the Dadasmo, where it occurred in the period of the World War I, join it the revolts due to the horrors of the war. MICHELI writes: Given it was born of a moral requirement, of an implacable desire to reach an absolute moral, of the deep feeling of that the man, in the center of all the empobrecidas slight knowledge of the substance human being, on the things deceased and the goods badly acquired.