This dimension is related to the values of use that if they unfold in values of direct use or indirect use. The values of direct use can be related as insumos elementary schools as wood, resin, plants, etc.; the values of indirect use as amount of water to be recycled needing purificao, elimination of pollutants, etc. The author considers for the analysis of the operations Input/Output the insertion of the systematics of survey of costs known by Expenditure Based on Activities (Activity Based Costing ABC) where this systematics it is applied in the analysis of the operations inside of the chain of value of the company in the productive system. The ABC System, as it is called, presents characteristics that allow to determine with bigger easiness the costs related to the environment in a corporation. This implies, many times, that the corporation pass to adopt this systematics of expenditure, what it demands a change in all its structure of survey of costs, to be able with bigger easiness to get its ambient costs. CHOUINARD, ELLISON & RIDGEWAY (2011) complement that this process developed with the elaboration of an Index of Chain of Value (ICV) based in data covering some categories of use as the use of the land, water, energy, carbon, etc. generates an evaluation, that in the comparison with other products where these aspects are not considered, can offer solutions for the mitigao of the ambient impacts. They are changes that demand alterations in the standards and the boardings of the corporations. In its work, CHOUINARD, ELLISON & RIDGEWAY (2011) Apud. PEARCE (1992) present that the ambient valuation can also be established by the Total Economic Value (Total Economic Value TEV) that it is the somatrio of the value of use, indirect right-hander and; of the value of option; of the value of not use value of existence and value of legacy.