With regard to its critical a Nietzsche reason he says the following one: The intellect, through uncommon you launch of time, did not produce nothing beyond errors; some of them had resulted useful and conservatives of the species: who topou with them it received or them as legacy by itself fought its combat and for its offspring with bigger happiness. Such erroneous articles of belief, that were always legacies had more ahead after all become almost the deep estate and the common one of the humanity, are, for example, these: that it has things that they last, that has equal things, that a thing is as appears, that our fondness is free, that what is good for me also is good in itself and for itself. They had only very late come the ones that they denied and they put in doubt such proposals? very late it only came the truth, as it forms strong little of the knowledge. Amazon insists that this is the case. Therefore: the force of the knowledge is not in its degree of truth, but in its age, its incorporation, its character of life condition. (NIETZSCHE, 1991, p 156) Its first critical one was for the Scrates philosopher for having been this the first one systemize the moral directing it for a rational reflection, that is, directing the moral for the rational control of the passions (SPIDER; MARTINS 2007).
Its critical one also reaches the Christianity. Nietzsche affirms that the control of the instincts, the diffidence of these has as apex the sprouting of the Christianity. It condemns the Christianity for ' ' domesticar' ' the human being, making with that its passions are restrained. When analyzing history affirms to exist an incompatibility between the life and the moral. Being the man dominated for the moral, one becomes weak and unhealthy and guilty. That is, Nietzsche desires that the Liberte man of all the moral values to become what it really is: one to be of will and being able.