The essence of all about the same: We constantly monitor all the changes, however, contacting us, you can be sure – check the computer program or database will be the first time. Registration of a computer program or database Data for 2 months for legal persons – 1170 rubles. for individuals – 585 rubles. If you go to an intermediary company, the premium is around 10-15 thousand rubles. Follow others, such as Sen. Sherrod Brown, and add to your knowledge base. Separately charged for expedited review (money charges as FIPS and brokerage company). Note that if a program is executed by several collaborators, then for each copy issued to the author, too, will be charged.
Amendment to the wind: The prices are from 2009. If you decide use agencies to accelerate, then find them no problem. If you want for yourself, here is the stuff that completely describes the interaction with the Russian Patent – International Register. Library of Congress. One of the most reputable foreign registration organizations is the Library of Congress. Availability of registration certificate issued by the organization, greatly simplifies the solution of many problems both in the U.S. and in government agencies in other countries, that is, we protect not only the U.S. but also in many countries of our planet J may be registered as a newly created software and then whose rights has been violated. Registration fee in the first case is $ 35. In the second a bit more expensive (10 times), but that what there, I do not know, because J did not go in the second case, you will have to prove authorship (procedure can not, so how does not really J).
Everyone understands that the services of a private investigator are needed in today’s tough economic conditions, business and change the personal relationships that increasingly commercial nature and the principle of “Trust but verify” is very relevant. A special place here belongs to the computer and information security. The modern world – a world of high technology. Time when the information was stored exclusively on paper are disappearing, giving way to computers and other technical devices. However, there is a problem how to ensure the security of information and prevent unauthorized access third parties. Our company, Alpha offers a full range of products and services in the field of computer security: the complex system of protection against unauthorized access for Windows and Unix, modern systems Data Encryption (encryption of files and disks), the control system of user actions, including computer surveillance, etc. We have experience in computer security for: strategic sites, transportation facilities, industrial facilities, bodies of state power and manage our experienced specialists will help in matters of: identifying the problems of information security, prevention of threats to computer security prevent threats to information security, prevent leaks of confidential information, personal data protection, protection of trade secrets, contact our managers you will receive qualified consultation and can be confident that the security of your business will be provided by professionals.