“REPORT OF SYMPOSIUM ON EDUCATION LABOUR AND ENVIRONMENT 1. To address environmental issues should be taken into account the broader issues of economic and social development, poverty, consumption and quality of life. Environmental protection is a function of truly sustainable development, and conversely, can not succeed those economic policies that destroy the ecological basis of life. 2. A workers’ organizations, as institutions of social development, they bear a unique role as promoters of social transformations and as champions of sustainable development, environmentally friendly and this role must be recognized and in fact provided by governments and by employers. 3.
The right of workers to form their organizations and members thereof, the right to collective bargaining and the right to full participation are essential to enable them to contribute effectively to sustainable eco-friendly. Workers’ organizations and the ILO played an important role in promoting such rights. 4. Workers’ education assumes vital importance in this regard. To make their programs can contribute effectively to the promotion of policies and environmentally friendly projects must meet the following requirements: base its objectives and its methods on the experiences of local, provided with training facilities to facilitate the exchange of information and experiences lead to the participants define their own action plans and starting points for their activities and, in turn, develop their skills and strengthen structures must ensure the democratic functioning of the union.
ARTICLE 213. In case of serious disturbance of public order imminently harms to institutional stability, state security, or the life of society, and that can not be averted by using the ordinary powers of the police authorities, the President of the Republic, with the signing of all ministers, may declare a state of internal disturbance throughout the Republic or any part thereof, on average no more than ninety days, renewable for up to two periods, the second of which requires the prior approval of the Senate. Upon such a declaration, the government will have the powers strictly necessary to avert the causes of the disturbance and prevent the spread of its effects.
Legislative decrees issued by the government may suspend laws incompatible with a state of shock and no longer take effect as soon as the public order restored. The Government may extend the duration up to ninety days. Within three days of the declaration or extension of State Shock, the Congress will meet in their own right, with the fullness of its constitutional and legal. The President shall immediately a reasoned report on the reasons behind the statement. In no case may civilians be investigated or tried by military courts. ARTICLE 214. States of emergency referred to previous articles are subject to the following provisions: Legislative decrees shall be signed by the President of the Republic and all its ministers and can only refer to matters that have direct and specific connection with the situation that has given the declaration of a state of emergency.