The one that today begins it will be one week critical for the Greek economy and the Government. Wednesday, with the atmosphere heated from the eve by a general strike of 48 hours and the mobilizations of the indignant ones, the Parliament will vote the new plan of adjustment for 2012-2015; Thursday, a package of additional fiscal measures, that will enter in force immediately, on the declaration of the rent of 2010. Frequently Richard Blumenthal has said that publicly. The absolute majority which it only enjoys the Socialist Movement Panhelnico (Pasok, in the Government) in the Camera guarantees, in the best one of the cases, the approval by the minim, because as passes the hours new desertions in their rows they throw more uncertainty on the final result of the votings: two new socialist deputies announced this weekend who will be against, and a third party could add them shortly, which would leave to the Pasok with 153 (or 152) delegated of a total of 300. Source of the news: : Greece votes the adjustment enters strikes and desertions the PASOK.
The Civil Guard stops 20 people, of Iranian nationality, who committed their holdups in the highways. They chose like victims to magrebes conductors of passage by Spain. The Civil Guard has stopped 20 people who supposedly were made happen through police to commit robberies with violence and intimidation in state highways. The operation, baptized Perspolis since the prisoners are all of Iranian nationality, investigated half hundred of robberies. The imputed ones chose like victims to magrebes conductors of passage by Spain way of Africa and almost always with old children and in the vehicle, to consider them more vulnerable. They acted in points of the state highways A-1 and A-4 and those of circumvallation of Madrid M-30 and M-40 and made registries in the cars in search of drug to rob the properties of the victims. The prisoners operated in Spain from year 2009 but until March of 2011 he did not begin to have warnings and denunciations that allowed the police investigation. They were confiscated to them up to nineteen cars, as well as computers, jewels, money in ctivo of different countries, disguises of police and false identifications poorly elaborated.
Modus operandi the attackers chose as objective cars with French matriculations or of other never Spanish countries but and they went to his victims in English. With some luminous symbol in the vehicle that always it had matriculation of the United Kingdom their false identifications of Police and with great verbal violence and intimidatory gestures approached in march teaching from the window they forced his victims to stop. The individuals made think the foreigners who were Spanish police making a control antidrug registered, them quickly and computers, jewels, and money in ctivo took. The attackers took about 1,000 Euros by each holdup they once or twice did and it to the day. The police thinks that only they know 35% the assaults. The twenty stopped have ages between the 19 and 50 years, and in spite of being of Iranian origin they took false identifications like Pakistani citizens. It was a very traveling group, with four floors rented in capital Guadalajara, three in Azuqueca de Henares and others in municipalities like Villanueva of the Tower. Never used moving bodies to communicate among them, reason why the pursuit of the attackers was complicated for the Civil Guard. Source of the news: Stopped a band that robbed being made happen through police
It allows to know the temperatures and the time with a forecast four days. It is nourished of the resources of the Web and the Naval U.S. Research Lab. Google Maps is addition weather data to its graphs, a service that allow to know the existing temperatures and the time in all the globe, as well as a forecast of four days. The giant of Internet indicates in his blog official who this new service is nourished of the resources of the Web of meteorology and the Naval U.S.
Research Lab, that information of the effective cloud cover offers in all the planet. When looking for any region of the planet, Google Maps unfolds a map in which are the temperatures that do at that moment, if it is by day or at night, as well as icons that summarize the weather conditions: sunny, storm cloud, rainy, et cetera. If the user wants to obtain more meteorological details, can unfold a picture that includes a forecast of four days and offers data of humidity and wind (can choose the unit of measurement: miles per hour or kilometers by hour, degrees Celsius or fahrenheit). Street View arrives at the Amazon Images from the Negro river and of the adjacent communities in the heart of the Brazilian Amazonia they will be including in the service Google Street View, according to they informed Google and Fundacin Amazona Sustentable (FAS). The technology applied in that remote region will allow the world to participate in " tour interactive within the forest amaznica" , it emphasized in an official notice Virgilio Viana, general superintendent of the FAS. The taking of photographies, through boats and of a tricycle adapted with cameras for the terrestrial images, began this week and it will extend during another three more. Source of the news: Google Maps incorporates a service of meteorology