Not Just A Lawn

Lawns – Artificial turf cover, land planted with mostly grasses to create a uniform green and emerald green background for the sculpture, architecture, flower arrangements and tree and shrub groups. In Russia, the first device in the ornamental gardens, lawns began in the xvii century. under Peter I. Fundamentals of domestic laid R. Schroeder, whose work has long served as the basis for specialists.

In addition, historical accounts mention lawns that existed in the gardens of the Persians, Greeks and Romans before Christmas, although no specific evidence for this is extremely small. The earliest drawing lawn found in one of the manuscripts of European origin, dating from the period between 14-16 centuries. As for today's lawn, there are several types of them, and you can select the one that is needed for you – depending on on your interests and requirements. Ground lawns – lawns of the highest quality. They are satisfied in the most important nodes of the garden composition, and soil for sowing and the selection of seeds are prepared very carefully. Ordinary lawns or gardens and parks, good that can withstand trampling, they occupy a significant part of the garden and herbaceous cover are ubiquitous on city highways, boulevards, parks. Prairie grass used for walking and recreation, and widespread in the forest parks.

Typically, they lay in large areas. Sports turf designed for sport. They are distinguished by the use of low-density and elastic turf, resistant to trampling and mechanical damage. The device sports a lawn requires careful preparation of the base, installing drainage, grading, selection of mixtures. Mowing the lawn sports produce one or two times a week. Special lawns are held on soil erosion (dumps, ravines, etc.) on slopes and embankments of different origin (roads, railways, waterworks, etc.). Such lawns satisfied way hydroseeding, use the roll of sod in a specially fortified base. It must be remembered that each type of lawn requires the use of certain mixtures. Lawns, consisting of one species of grass, triples are rare. Typically, the composition of mixtures is from 3 to 5 kinds of herbs, as a mixture composed of different species adapts easily and has more "chances of survival." The choice depends also on the grass mixture on soil conditions and the illumination of the site. Each type of grass has its own biological characteristics and requires specific conditions for proper growth and development. Thus, the quality of the lawn will depend on choice of mixtures, the quality of soil, the proper care. The best soil for the lawn are the medium and loamy or sandy soil. And to improve their mechanical structure is made additives (sand, peat, loam, sapropel, and mixtures thereof) by two or three times mixing with the soil. To improve the fertility of making mineral and organic fertilizers. Application rates and fertilizer additives is determined by results agrochemical analysis.