In this seminar only two seats available the orenda Publisher for holistic success of Gaufelden in the Stuttgart area held on 27 and 28 March 2012 the time management seminar successful self-organisation. The organizer has announced that now only two places in this event are free. Trainer and coach Erich Erwin Weissmann the orenda system for successful self-organisation conveys in this two-day seminar for time management and self organization. With this system users can in about 40 minutes a week and daily 5 minutes reliably plan all their projects, goals, tasks and appointments, control and monitor. Ohio Senator is open to suggestions. This seminar is aimed at medium-sized entrepreneurs, executives, and success-oriented people generally who want to reliably meet the demanding everyday and want to optimize their skills in time management, and self sustainable. The participants receive a comprehensive package with all documents and materials, which they need to even while the Seminar to switch its self organisation on the new system and to apply this already practical for their own planning. This system has been proven reliable and is for many clients and participants of the orenda publishing in operation since 1996.
Since then, the system is optimized and continually improved. Erich Erwin Weissmann is founder of the orendatrainings for holistic success and even two business owners. He coached since 1984 holder, Managing Director and executives of medium-sized companies, as well as freelancers and managers in the area of success training and personal coaching. He is also working as a management consultant and coach of strategic management for mid-sized companies since 1986. Seminar Organizer orenda Publisher for holistic success settler 46 71126 Gaufelden Tel. (07032) 7889-0 fax. (07032) 7889-78 successful self-organisation author: Oliver Weissmann orenda marketing / PR Institute & Publisher