With the intention of exemplificar, the excluded ones socially are cited, between as much others where the State looks for to equate the defense todasessas people in minimum conditions of survival worthy human being, searching comisto to eliminate the serious problem of the social exclusion. Being thus, exigidonenhum is not type of contribution, becoming the dependent citizen of the State. Assistencial Estetrabalho is materialize by means of sectorial politics would emparceria with entities of social assistance that give attendance aosbeneficirios of the system, without lucrative purpose. 3BREVE HISTORICAL OF the SOCIAL WELFARE to arrive at the current period of training of the social welfare nopas, Brazil covered a long way. Although its well-known diferenaeconmico-social and financial one, in comparison with the countries of first world, oBrasil obtained to follow the great world-wide previdencirio movement. Surpassing the expectations of most pessimistic, it developed a rich legadonormativo, becoming reference for the history of the providence in the world, thus giving, a valuable contribution in the context of the previdencirio right.
Peculiar and typical fact of the Brazilian previdencirio regimen ede some few countries is the existence of the retirement for service time. Amaioria of the countries grants only retirements for age and invalidity, sendoque, in general, the beneficiary of the retirement cannot exert nenhumaatividade in the work market. 8 Although the Brazilian previdencirio process to possess umagrande wealth in its conceptions and accomplishments, unhappyly it not obedeceua a project commanded in its evolution. Before, if it contaminated with interfernciaspolticas, over all at the beginning of the century, when the decisions in the previdnciasocial still they possuam a much more sectorial character of what social. In Brazil, its constitutions had always disciplined regrasreferentes to the Social security and the Social welfare. In the Constitution of 1824, its article 179, interpolated proposition XXXI, express the forecast of guarantee of the socorrospblicos for the Imperial Letter, being this the first step for the construction of the Brazilian proteosocial.