Part Two. The current situation with pensions only be described as the crisis of the pension reform is impossible. Some politicians believe that to support the pension system can be achieved through ‘legalization of wages’. It’s no secret that employers who pay workers inalichnymi money in envelopes. With such a ‘salary’ contributions to the pension system are not available. Dominant place in the pension system remains for now the existing solidarity system, meaning which lies in the fact that the money paid ones, and get others. And this is the main drawback of this system. Again, as ten years ago, the issue of pensions is shifted by one generation to another, but this time on small in number generation, which would be unable to feed their baby bumerov.20-04-20
It is regrettable that the legislators directly and frankly did not say forty or fifty years and people that solidary system will end in their generation, that they must now help to provide a pension of those who are over 60 and 70 years, but currently on a pension they should save themselves. I guess it’s called ‘politics’. But anyway, still able-bodied and strong 40-50 year old citizens come to illusions, many of them are hoping that some kind of no state pension, they still get it. There is no doubt that 40-year and 50-year-olds feel that the world has changed. But almost no one explains to them the reasons, and most importantly, the consequences of these changes. However, the new pension system is and the benefits that lies in the fact that everyone, including baby-boomers who are still far from sixty, given the chance to decide their own pension problem through the accumulation pensions.