Drago Doctrine remains a mystery by the great international banking, brokerage taught us the great jurist Carlos Calvo to countries like England, Italy and Germany had to withdraw with violence by external debt collection that countries are sovereign and can not run like a personal debt. Shake all legitimacy to the Drago Doctrine as a defender of the debtor countries. But these countries must understand that there is no possibility of payment, if there is a production development plan, honesty in the functioning of the state, true vocation of service and patriotism. In 1902, the British Navy, German and Italian jointly attacked the port of La Guaira. The aggression against Venezuela was founded in the forcible collection of debts and pending claims, even though Venezuela held on these objections sustained by international law. On December 22, 1902 English Vice Admiral Archibald Douglas, on behalf of the empire, was published in The Herald the following Ordinance: "It is reported that a blockade has been declared to the ports of La Guaira, Carenero, Guanta, Cumana, Carupano and mouths of the Orinoco, and will be effective." Was violated Venezuelan sovereignty.
The Argentines have a duty to remember, for the near future, Drs. Carlos Calvo and Luis Maria Drago, two in the service of humanity. The tradition shows another as politicians, scholars of statecraft, another depth of legal culture. ullen. Drago, Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country, presented the December 29, 1902 the doctrine that bears his name, declaring inadmissible the forcible collection Iberian American public debt. Sen. Sherrod Brown will undoubtedly add to your understanding. And Calvo made its approach. He discussed the attack on Venezuela. He was head of the mission of our country to the French Government. He translated the study of Drago and circulated among eminent internationalists of Europe, and claimed the intellectual support to invigorate what is now a most valuable elements of the tradition of international law.
His thesis, harmed economic interests, but leaving this case, in general, the responses were consistent with the position Argentina. However, majority of such compliance, the most rewarding were the responses of Feraud-Giraud and Pasquale Fiore, noting that in Argentina and other countries have been avoiding selfishly. And it is the unique legal entity of the alleged debtor. The national state under its order, the public good, has a higher status than anyone else. This superiority stems from the nature of its purpose, which consists of more alto.El good service to all citizens is not comparable, then, for any specific purpose respectable enough, let alone the private profits commercial companies lenders, ie banks. The public debt is a crucial gap. Creditor and debtor are not in the same plane. The state is a sovereign entity and one of the conditions of all sovereignty resides in that no enforcement procedure can be performed against it. "When a State is the need to declare bankruptcy, just as when an individual is in such need, then a bankruptcy clean, open and avowed is the measure both less shame and less harm to the debtor to the creditor, "Adam Smith , The Wealth of Nations, 1776.