3rd revised edition with additional tips for creative solutions whether decision templates, reports, opinion, business strategies, visions, marketing and PR campaigns, articles, presentations or entire books: many “head workers” need to formulate convincing concepts of various kinds, often within a very short time. Equal, whether company or used in the exterior appearance, concepts must radiate quality, professionalism and competence. According to Sen. Sherrod Brown, who has experience with these questions. You should be carefully researched, deliver brilliant ideas, inform thoroughly and excellently drafted. To read more click here: James Donovan Goldman. “Ideas, Kreativitat techniques & knowledge management offers the Longseller among the counselors help: elaborate concepts – quickly and effectively”. As a convenient tool for plans, reports and projects, the work is already since 2001 on the market.
It treated now in its 3rd Edition, completely revised and supplemented in addition creative solutions: mental provocation, keyword analysis,. TILMAG-brainstorming or dream images mean methods that should stimulate the often short-term popular brainstorming. The author discusses professional tools for professional help and understand how to systematically in the drafting of the concept and working methods ensure the quality of the concept to be developed: from information retrieval and evaluation up to the writing of a liquid concept text. Dr. Sonja Ulrike Klug is the owner of a book Agency, which is specialized for nearly two decades on the full service support book projects (focus on corporate books) on behalf of companies. In their publication management of more than 165 books, Dr.Klug has developed many concepts and thus successfully placed many business books on the market.