Average Age

The culture concept started to mean knowledge or personal refinement in the end of the Average Age, moment of history where the ruling classes, detentoras of the wealth only had access. This knowledge, or this culture if sobressaa to the remain of the population, that finished being kept out of society and characterized as being detainer of the popular culture (culture considered inferior for the richer social classrooms). The popular culture started to be focus of study in order to understand and to classify the forms of thought of the classrooms poor of the society, being objectified to understand its internal logic and its participation politics, through its popular movements. The popular culture always is collated with the erudite culture, and this, in historical elapsing reached status and started to control the cultural institutions as, for example, the universities. The popular culture is understood as the cultural manifestations of this classroom, that is well different of the manifestations of the dominant culture, therefore possesss distinct characteristics.

Valley to remember that she is the proper elite of the ruling classes who decides what it is popular culture. These two cultures if develop by means of the concept of what he is erudite and of what is popular, that exterioriza in the culture the oppositions and differences between itself. In this context of social bipartition, the dominated classrooms offer to the denunciation of the social inaqualities and the necessity to surpass them, from there its transforming character. In the same way, the erudite culture is tied with the ruling classes, and its growth can be seen as colonizadora expansion. The understanding of these two cultures is not simple, and for this, it searchs references politics, as the resistance of the popular culture and its revolutionary character with its movements politicians. The tranformao capacity that the fight of the popular classrooms possesss is base of study of social sciences of today, however, for the continuation of this study, they lack systemize institutions.