The historical factors, as it can be proven, had contributed in high level for the development of regimes authoritarian of right in the Europe. The newness brought for the Corporativista State salient the almost complete cancellation politics of the people, however if to take in consideration the theory of masses of Arendt where the totalitarianism alone was possible when had a great human contingent that it could in such a way be used as craftsman for the terror, as arms to promote the development of the nation; the corporativismo serves as sustentculo of the power and mechanism of production of wealth. The theory of the corporativista State was a maneuver to involve directly the individuals in a bigger set by means of the fiction of the unit of the will and was applied in Italy for Mussolini in the decades of 1920 and 1930. The adepts of the corporativista State acted as if the society did not possess agencies of Government articulated or divisions in estratificadas classrooms, and all were members of a great community. (Krader, 1970, p.37) the elimination of the racionalista character of the people, as the extirpao of the free will, becomes the character of the dualista totalitarian regimen. At the same time that one that it of estruturao, that is, the people, who acclaims the leader and it of the unconditional support, is, on the other hand, forcene for the same (leading in account that without the mass, its success runs great risk to fall in the futilidade). It is necessary that a bureaucracy ‘ ‘ weberiana’ ‘ it causes the social stagnation and politics of the individual, so that in this way, only the leader is its voice and its ear. The proper unification of the leader with the people becomes this dialectic something of interesting analysis. The people has its inserted ideals in the figure of the leader, who for happiness counts on the aid of its assistant, thus the aggressor will be committing a delict not only to the conductor of the nation, and yes against all the members of the government and against the population.