Tomahawk American

Its reach of one hundred and fifty kilometers, ally to a powerful radar capable to detect aircraft of low radar signature (as the aircraft stealth) and its capacity to abate as many missiles of cruise as the Tomahawk American how much missiles ballistic and aircraft in an angle of covering of 360 base such consideration. The Chinese had especially bought some batteries of missiles of the S-300 family, locating them in the neighborhoods of Pequim, Xangai and of the Strait of Formosa. Certainly they are the jewel of the antiaircraft defense strategical Chinese. However the limitation of the amount placed in service still denotes the insufficient antiaircraft protection of the RPC. Moreover, more modern versions of the missile, as variant S-300PMU2, already are operational in Russia.

The systems of antiaircraft defense in such a way tacticians how much operational in better they are been of what the strategical ones, being, therefore, capable to provide significant antiaircraft protection to the Chinese terrestrial forces. They are distinguished enters first portable missiles FN-6 and QW-1, whose technology is superior to the one of American FIM-92A Stinger. Among the tactical antiaircraft missiles, the Tor-M1 Russian is distinguished, also had as one of the best missiles antiaircraft tacticians of the present time, being also capable to abate cruise missiles. However, few batteries of this last one had been acquired by the Chinese, being insufficient to act with effectiveness. Moreover, it is necessary to cite that as much the tactical missiles how much operational they possess limited capacity to defend targets of strategical importance, limitation this that, in the case of these last ones, makes impracticable such mission of defense. The Air Force of the Army of Popular Release account today with more than two a thousand aircraft of combat, if fitting in this assignment the huntings and the aircraft of attack.