It incorporates the told things to the experience of its listeners. Leaving of this affirmation, we can perceive by means of the interacionistas theories, that the individual when it is telling, it guides its speaks for who it is all hearing, it occurs the moment, an interaction between listener and narrator. When telling its proper experience or the lived one for the others, the narrator also incorporates the experiences of the listeners, at this moment of the narrative happens to the construction of new meanings, as much for the narrator how much for the listener. According to Bernado (1999), it is in the words and the chained one of the words, the slow semantic distortions, the accumulation of sensible or the brusque ruptures of meaning, and more deeply still in the logic that joins everything this and it of the nexus, each one of us if it inserts in done molds already. We can find all these aspects in the narratives, therefore the individuals are always constructing new meanings, exactly that these new meanings breach with that already they existed previously. It is important to stand out in accordance with that authors: Flick (2009), Jovchelovitch, Bauer and Gaskell (2008) the topical guide is of extreme importance, therefore the interview is not an informal colloquy, no matter how hard the interview can flow of natural form, the interviewer must be very prepared well to apprehend what it is said and what is also not said. The researcher must have a previous knowledge of the field, through comments or more experienced colleagues to know as to have a more productive result during the interviews. The researcher will not be able to lose of sight the objectives of the research. Ahead of the objectives of the research the researcher must separate to topics guides, who will go to direct the interviews, however, this aiming occurs of flexible form, therefore we must always is deepening each time more the information pointed in the interviews.