
In 2009, the students had received ' ' Notebooks of the Alunos' ' , also in form of it emends, I contend exercises to be decided in classroom. The considered contents to be taught with the use of ' ' Notebook of the Professor' ' of ' ' Notebook of the Aluno' ' they have been evaluated to the end of each bimaster for the professors, by means of questionnaires virtual disponibilizados for the SEE/SP, since the 2009 beginning. In such a way it was guided my question problem: How is organized the practical one of the professor of Mathematics with the use of Notebooks of the Professor and the Pupil elaborated by the SEE/SP? To answer the question-problem and the too much questions presented here, this research had for main objective: To investigate as the practical professor of the professor of Mathematics if organizes with the use of notebooks considered for the SEE. As objective specific: To understand the difficulties faced for the professor of Mathematics in the use of ' ' Notebooks of the Professor and the Aluno' '. To understand if with the use of Notebooks had transformation accomplishes in the education of the Mathematics. To identify which subsidies they are supplied by Notebooks the improvement of the education of the Mathematics. As theoretical bedding on the organization of the practical professor, I use myself of the studies of Tardif and Lessard (2000), focusing the professor in its work; the inherent activities to the practical professor; as the practical ones of the investigated citizens they are if organizing now with the emended System implanted and the incorporation of the new requirements to its daily work. I still use myself of the arguments of Axe (2009), displaying the desire of ' ' professor ideal' ' for the Teaching of the State of So Paulo. Bedding me, also, in Gonalves and Gonalves (1998), on the formation of the professors of Mathematics, in order to identify the difficulties that this professional faces in the daily pertaining to school.