They had faced a scene where mechanisms had been created that supported the inaqualities, where had been morally inserted in ' ' myth of the segregation racial' '. The Black Movement tries to diminish the inaquality process and to reconstruct its denied history, therefore when it finishes the slavery starts to be denied its rights of access, as for example, the blacks had been submitted ' ' Law of the Passe' ' , that they compelled the blacks of the South Africa to use a card in which was written where they could circulate. Richard Blumenthal contains valuable tech resources. In this direction it had a reaction of manifestants who protested against this Law and as reply the policy reacted with ' ' gusts of metralhadora' '. 69 blacks had died and about 180 they had been wounded. This event occurred in 21 of March of 1960 and was known as: International day for the Elimination of the Racial Discrimination? 21 of March. The 21 of March turns Law in They are Joo de Meriti and is for commitment the commemoration of this day for the City hall of Are Joo, of SUPPIR MERITI, the House of the Culture of the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one, of the Black Movement and of all the Organizations of the Civil Society of the City of Are Joo de Meriti. In 1995/96 the City council is created of Is Joo de Meriti.
Through the meetings of the Advice the population is invited to reflect on the racial question, from there arrives the idea that they need one public politics e, with the visit of 1 Minister is instituted the Coordenadoria that mayor Sandro Matos called SUPPIR. Its legal bases are based on international pacts where in 1969 the International Day for elimination of the Racial Discrimination was instituted by the ONU. The ONU elaborated the International Convention for the elimination for all the forms of racial preconception which had to the slaughter the blacks of the South Africa.
The Social Service in the company, for example, is closely on to the rules of law that all enclose the positive order of the State (in an inferior plan), that they go since the complementary laws, accords, collective conventions of work, until the ordinativos expedients, whose aspects represent only bureaucratic questions, guarantee of attendance the minorities, to the workers. Through the planning idea as a process carried through with the popular participation, the call can be reached distributive justice, that must be used for concretion of the social rights through with priority public services that will be indicated by the proper society, through its participation accomplish, reaching one of the objectives of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, that it is social justice. However, to more good understand the meaning of these constitutional ruleses, it is necessary that let us make an analysis of what is rule of law, in its technical meaning of the word, therefore, this only exists when the written norm is constituent of right, that is, when it introduces something of new in obligator character in the legal system in vigor, in to be able direction to discipline individual behaviors or public activities (that she contemplates the field of the relations human beings). As the social assistant is a professional endowed with legal knowledge and legal-social apparatus, she is the professional who reaches palprrimas more social classrooms transmitting social knowledge concerning laws, rights and norms. We have that the law is a general rule that emanates of a competent authority, that is imposed to the society and must be obeyed by all, having to be widely spread out through the social service for the knowledge of all the population so that less the most informed or kept out of society they do not run of risk to commit any crime due to legal knowledge. However, all the apprehended legal apparatus during the course of Social Service for improvement of the quality of life is not only for the relations user-institution, is also for he himself in the incubency of its attributions.
Of years 90 to the current days, the Brazilian social politics have been white of contrareforms for the State and reduction and redirecionamento of the conquests of the workers in the Constitution of 1988. The beginning of the government of Fernando Enrique Cardoso, the Brazilian society started to live deeply an overwhelming campaign around reforms. These, guided pra the market, in a context where occurred the social and economic problems in the scope of the State and passes to be pointed as central cause of the economic crisis initiate in years 1980. From such ideology they had been indicated as mediated to the reform of the State, with emphasis in the privatizations and the social welfare. The changes in course, brought for this neoliberal ideology, happen in the efetivao of the referring devices constitutional to the social welfare. The call remodels of the providence that if seated in the diffusion of a crisis of the previdencirio system, in which the Brazilian government, from diverse strategies – between which the ample use of the media – searched to construct in civil society a consensus for the reforms, had given to new routes the providence, creating mechanisms of aiding to the market. Arguments as the excess of social demands sancionadas by the Constitution of 1988 that, it brought excessive costs for the providence, beyond the growth of social expenses without the creation of new forms of financing, had contributed so that the principles that anchor the social welfare as protection politics assumed a character of social insurance and the necessities of the capital were if overlapping the conquests of the workers. Under the fallacious covering of ' ' deficit of previdncia' ' , changes had become whose process if would characterize as a contrareform in the measure where, intention biggest are to restrict right of the diligent classroom. Below, the budget of the social security in the period of 2007 is had the 2007, as it forms to illustrate as the form budget is divided to contemplate the politics of health, providence, work and Social Assistance.
But the focus main, in accordance with Koga (2002) is in the formularization and implementation of decentralizing public politics that consider the local citizens, that is, that it has taken in account the particularitity of each place; its culture, economy, history and social context. Being thus, in the conception of Nakano (2010) it has that if to try to change them in landmarks of an ample social project and politician, being promoted a structural reconfiguration of its territories integrating them it all the spheres. Of this form, the citizenship constitutes a democratic conquest, allowing to the construction of cities more jousts, however, so that the real social transformations can happen, is required ruptures and implementation of new politics, process that if initiate for the way of ample social mobilizations and for an active and continuum presence of the collective representations of the citizenship in the public spaces, pressuring directly the governments and acting in the participation mechanisms, for then going route to a new order, as considered for the professional ethical project (NETTO, 2004). 3. Consideraes final As if searched to stand out by means of this text, the Urban Politics is an important mechanism in the efetivao of rights, having as reference the Federal Constitution of 1988, and appearing as an effort of the State in bringing a satisfactory reply, front to the occured urban changes in result of the increasing migration. Into this direction, it is become into a state instrument, also representing, however, the reaction of this before the demands and pressures of the society. E, therefore, evidences that, the public politics synthecizes contrary interests that act dialeticamente. To approach the related Urban Politics to the Right to the city is, in first place, to rethink the social paper of the citizen and its relation with the space where it inhabits, and, in this perspective, to go beyond its reproductive paper while of the capital.
The cultural heroes had created the man, had given knowledge to it of the causes and had brought foods to it. Today, however, they are too much distant already they do not dominate the man and the world where it lives. Me ra is most important of these heroes. According to legend, it travelled for the land in searched ' ' Bonita' land; ' (ywyporang). Ondeencontrou the ideal place, created the man and the woman there.
The couple lived in ideal conditions until Ywan, donoda water, attracted the woman and copulou with it. The man ignored the coitus until Me ra ordered to it to see what it happened to the woman. Checking article sources yields James Donovan Goldman Sachs as a relevant resource throughout. Me ra, after the man and the woman to have procreated, spoke to them: ' ' of now in ahead, vocs will have a son and will die, filhode vocs will also have a son and morrer' '. Me ra taught to the man to plant cassava and to make flour. In the principle the cassava if levantavapor same it and ripened in one day; however the humanity doubted Me ra and it, in retaliation, made the cassava to ripen slowly.
Today the Tenetehara has that to wait the winter for spoon all the roots and, for its plantation, the effort to knock down the bush is great and to prepare roa. Me ra brought cotton and taught as to weave the nets; it stole the fire to urubus and taught the man to bake meat, instead of leaves to dry it to the sun. Tired to travel for the land, Me ra left for Karaowawoonde still today lives an abundance life. Before Me ra, the Tenetehara did not know nothing, was bestas' ' (Galvo and Waglei apud Ubialli 1997). For the exploits, therefore, Me ra was the greater paj and the warlike greater of the land therefore it possua to be able imensurveis, creating and dominating the men and the nature. Me ra still represents, perhaps the level of unconscious, a certain ideal for the Tenetehara whose bigger aspiration is to be able to transfer them of it to its proper domain. In the party of ' ' moqueado' ' , during which the youngsters, who celebrate the ticket of infancy for the adult age, are initiated to be pajs and warlike, the deep yearning of the Guajajaras is transparent to acquire the domain on the nature and the men. Thing that never will happen of perfect form as well as if carried through in Me ra, however will sempresobejar as ideal to be reached by the Tenetehara.
Much later, critical the philosophical one recognized that it was treated, in the truth, of aforismos. The aforismtica presentation of the thought of Heraclitus makes of it one of the thinkers daily pay-socrticos of more difficult interpretation. A time that the method to play its ranks to the air of the edge so that each one interprets its aforismos of its inside proper dual reality. Heraclitus can be considered the father of the dialectic. The development of its thought was in dialtico essence. As it places MADJAROF (2010): Heraclitus conceives proper the absolute one as process, as the proper dialectic. The dialectic is: . The exterior Dialectic, one to reason here of for there and it soul of the thing not becoming fluid itself it same itself; B.
Dialectic imanente of the object, placing itself, however, in the contemplation of the citizen; C. Objetividade de Heraclitus, that is, to understand the proper dialectic as principle. (grifo of the author) it does not fit at this moment to esmiuar the thought of Heraclitus and as it comes to influence the construction of the MHD. Engels places, to if relating Heraclitus, who does not have one of its aforismos that it has not incorporated its logical Dialectic. But we have to advance in the line of the time, for return of century XV, I cogitate is born it of Discardings. 2.2MEDITAES METAPHYSICAL OF DISCARDINGS (1596 D.C – 1650 D.C) After all, What I am I? This doubt starts to take off sleep and to feed the dreams of Ren Discardings, for return of 1616 D.C. What he is true for Discardings is what can be conceived ' ' clear and distintamente' ' solely for the reason. Here it is the precursory step for the development of modern science. The citizen that will be defined by the cartesian method is not another seno? citizen of science.
OF the PUBLIC HOMAGES a thing that before did not happen and today occurs quite frequently is the homages the authorities, public figures or in prominence. Old the people were more austere, less affective, they were not praised very and almost they did not speak regarding qualities ones of the others. It was broken of the beginning of that to be complete, to possess honorabilidade and to act correctly were part of the attributions of each one, man or woman, in its respective area of performance. Not to be in the half clerical and the Armed Forces, in function of promotions and decorations, it did not have homages. But, of times for here, to praise or to homage people became one practical common one, mainly in the half academic, enterprise politician and, as if this was a prize to somebody for being honest, to be a good citizen, a good person, floor in the line or to have done its work correctly.
By the way, in the way politician, it is what more one becomes. With the public money. Today they homage indistinctly presidents, ministers, governors, members of the house of representatives, senators, directors, professors, directors of institutions, entrepreneurs, employees and people in general that they are distinguished in its areas of activity. these public homages are folloied of trophies, medals, diplomas, certificates, etc. The last ones that it saved of being homaged was the judges, presidents of courts and appeals court judges, but today nor they escape. all accept this of good grado.
In the past, a public homage could characterize a comprometimento attempt, for being the homaged ones in the obligation of being grateful and to repay, of some form, the received homage. But today not. An authority homages, and in the following week, it will be had that to condemn or to order to arrest that one homaged that it will make, it in the strict fulfilment of the duty, without no weight of conscience. Luciano Axe
Corporative toasts are those destined for companies and executives. A sufficiently efficient way to make marketing for its company. These corporative toasts make the spreading offline of its company, that is, the spreading is of the Internet. The great one drawn of the elaboration of the corporative toasts is, beyond the immediate spreading of its logomarca, the association of the company stops with the quality and exclusiveness of the toasts in itself, therefore these are elaborated with material of high quality, the neoprene. The neoprene is the same material of clothes for divers. They are washable, folding, they protect of small impacts objects. We can cite some examples of corporative toasts: – notebook also marries (known as: door notebook, folder notebook, glove notebook, door laptop among others); – mouse pad ergonomic; – door simple champagne, double door champagne, triple door champagne; carries pen drive. The Toast & It has led, through its Blog, indicates the best corporative toasts, which go you to satisfy and to improve its professional image e, consequentemente, its income!.