Meta Region

For the administration of justice run the Supreme Court and the State Council, the Administrative Court, district courts, superior courts, juvenile courts, circuits and circuits working civilians. LANGUAGE: Having been colonized by Spain, Colombia inherited, like much of America (Latin America) their native language, Spanish. The Spanish language, also called Castilian, Colombia has taken a major boom. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ohio Senator. It is the only official language in the Republic of Colombia, although some indigenous groups have preserved their dialects, in San Andres and Providencia disfigured speaks English. Religion: According to the Political Constitution of Colombia, there is freedom of religion, 96.6% prevailing in Catholic religion, the rest (3.4%) is divided between religions: Adventist, Evangelist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons and others.

Some tribes still preserve their beliefs and customs. DEMOGRAPHICS: The Colombian man has three main roots: the Aboriginal people whose land they owned when they began the conquest, the black, which comes from African imports, which were intended to increase the yield of the mines, especially 2003 Colombia’s population is 44,000,000 inhabitants, distributed in the townships and other municipalities, the urban population experienced a continuous growth in population compared to previous years due to migrations that occur periodically, whichever one more women on these sites and a less than men in rural areas. In Colombia there are several regional types, the result of factors such as geographic, climatic, economic and cultural, each of which also has different characteristics from the racial standpoint. The Colombians are major regional groups: Choco: Inhabits the department of Choco. Cundinamarca, Boyaca: Includes the inhabitants of the highlands in the departments of Boyaca and Cundinamarca (except Bogota).

Opita: Located in the Rio Magdalena (Tolima and Huila). Santander: Lives in Santander. Ranger: It lives in the region covered by the departments of Arauca, Casanare, Meta and Vichada. Paisa: This group has its axis action in the department of Antioquia and the settled areas in the nineteenth century: Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio, and Valle northern and northeastern regions of Choco Tolima. Coast: Covers the people of the Caribbean region, which are the result of an amalgam of ethnicities, cultures and traditions, as the region has been the gateway to the country culture. Valle-Cauca: Lives in the region that includes the departments of Valle and Cauca. Pasto: Includes the inhabitants of the department of Narino.