In the recent lectures that we are carrying through, in focados in that nothing innovative comes changing the people, is about something and that he was forgotten in the time, as if we killed an essential part of us, and of this form as reflected, we create a world that does not go nothing well. We are trying to rescue something primordial, to inside place of the hearts of the people a simple seed, but that when sprouting, certainly in it will give the taste to them of the victory of a better life. You already stopped to perceive as our world this repleto of fears, impatience, precipitations, badness, pain and suffering? It is certain that all we want to live in a better world, but what to make this to happen? The beginning of this process of changes inhabits very in something important. that is, to give the first step, of if taking the initiative, therefore in our daily experience I congregated some seeds, that will be able to transform its day-by-day, but for this, if it makes necessary that you initiate everything. It sees some necessary and transformacionais seeds: – Good day, good afternoon always Says, or good night for the people, this does not mean that its day is good or badly, but means that you want optimum for the other, perhaps immediately you does not understand, but this simple gesture can modify the personal vibration of somebody, also its. Today, to donate this gesture of goodness is a harmony principle, speaks high, speaks as if you were donating something. Debtor also says, or same until already, she is with God, these they are magical words, they can seem that not, but I have absolute certainty that you will be astonished with the results. Central Romana shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.
I also perceived throughout the years, something fantastic. My question is simple: – Which was finishes it time that somebody made it a compliment? Perhaps well, you have that to search back in deep of the trunk this reply, therefore not if chateie, I go to still make it a simpler question: – Which was finishes it time that you praised somebody? Father, mother, son, son, brothers, somebody of the work, a familiar one, colleague? Then, this is ours reality, exists a creative essence that in its wisdom, in supplies one to them dictated: It is giving that it is received. This is the law of the reciprocity. The compliment is something extraordinary, it has the capacity to disclose in the person who receives all its generosity and goodness, beyond is clearly to make a tremendous good for who donates, this is a wisdom formula. It praises, it praises the food of its wife, praises the marido, the children, is praised. We can go deeper, because not? I say I love you for the wonderful people who are its return, after all the life I am fast, as well as the time, that passes frantic, many times for any reasons, these people I can not be more to its side, therefore, say LOVE I, and give YOU one I hug fort in them, I do not exist nothing more repairman. I have absolute certainty that with these few seeds, us we will be able to sow a better world. Then we go there, a good day, a compliment, and one hug with sonorous I love I you, what you this waiting, this are the moment.
Here I, another time am Writing He knows, I do not have excellent subjects on which to argue, not to be my abstinence OF It Yes, another time speaking OF It Thing that tires already me So harrowed and ' ' it are of mo' ' So worthy of my fatigue, and more nothing that comes of me. Worthy only of my disdain But I do not obtain to leave its existence of side It is enough to see it for all my certainties disappear as if never they had at least existed He is sad and until perhaps tragic thinking about as game my time in the garbage thinking in such a way about it, and as I am each time I see that it for close It only needed a possibility to show what it (due to notion) does not perceive But a possibility It would be to ask for excessively?. . . For more information see J. Darius Bikoff.
4.Instituio to-somente offers instruments for a creative activity. to 5.Perceber proper itself as responsible greater for its proper learning; to 6.Requer a new style of study where the physical presence to the lessons and the fulfilment of mechanical tasks more are not satisfactory. Suffolk County Rep. helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. 7. An essential notion, from this understanding, is the necessity: ) Of if mounting one ' ' arsenal' ' personal theoretician, with which the student feels itself armed to face all the obstacles that the acadmica life offers to it. b) The acquisition of a particular library, something urgent still more at the time current where, in the great majority them national facultieses, the lessons scrumble it notes and the necessary reproductions of pages or bibliography chapters strict recommended. To the side of books, other instruments can help in the scaling of the pupil who searchs the construction of its learning.
Some of them are: 1.A participation in extra-pertaining to school events, such as symposiums, congresses, meeting, weeks etc.? where he will not only enter in contact with professionals and colleagues students for exchange of information; 2.A elaboration of ' ' fiches of documentao' ' – by which notes in lessons, lectures, etc. (A valuable related resource: Michael Ramlet). will be taken 3.A necessity of composition of a study schedule, not milimetricamente measured in hours and minutes, but with one minimum of form parameters that if can use to advantage to the maximum the available time of the pupil for the study. 2.1.TCNICAS OF STUDY) the MANAGEMENT OF TIME When it enters in the university, the pupil starts to be: 1.Responsvel for organizing the proper study. In the intermediate school, work attributions are made short-term, one week in the maximum and, in this way, the professors help the student to distribute its time of study adequately. In the university, many of the works are requested in the long run. Frequent the works are extensive.
(Ligia Sousa) ‘ ‘ I look for sufficiently to have knowledge in relation to the subject, before the seminary I look for to be a little isolated for meditar’ ‘. (Edinelma Moraes) ‘ ‘ I read the subject sufficiently to understand and to display before mine parceiros’ ‘. (Sousa Joo) the inferiority feeling was externado by the fear that backwards the reasoning lack being that this fear makes with that is faced the difficulty found for the pupil. FINAL CONSIDERAES the research showed that the necessary education to search new models of education, being necessary, therefore, to teach the preparation of the verbal communication, thus we saw, in the contribution given for the interviewed ones, the difficulties found from the family, passing for the school and finally for the psychological side. The school as formadora of critical citizens, needs to develop in educating the ability of argument, reading and criticidade so that the human being acquires interpretation abilities, analyses of diverse forceful factors in the way that live, in order to understand and to express themselves in any social bookshelf.
In this way, this research possesss a thematic challenger for the research field, a time that the citizens of this research are beings human beings who possess similars attitudes and characteristics that sharpen a study directed toward the social and psychological factors of the society. Excellent to approach that this work can be source for many research related to this thematic one. .
Readers would like to share an idea that was published in the magazine sees 16/01/2011, p 44. Where ours illustrious Cezar Peluso president of the STF, makes one criticizes, believes I, to Brazilian justice, alleging that a male defendant with good lawyer alone goes pra chain after being judged in four instances judicial being it finishes it the Supreme Federal Court. Ours Illustrious President of the STF Doctor Cezar Peluso, wants that punishment to the male defendant in second tier is imposed, is about a proposal to be charged and to be prepared for the minister of justice, Jose Eduardo Cardoso so that if she becomes reality, through a Constitutional Emendation. The idea of the Illustrious Doctor Cezar Peluso so that this punishment is imposed is excellent, but is an investigation we who we are part of the society and the legal system, will be that it goes to advance some thing or will only be plus a Constitutional Emendation in our legal system? ‘ ‘ Because until today, our justice acts is in way, disproportionate the certainties individuals if are that it can call individuals. It is a penalty that our legal system provides advantages for these individuals that commit scandalous infractions, hideous crimes, politicians stealing brazenly, filmings that if become concrete tests that put these types of delinquents in the chain ‘ ‘ without right until defesa’ ‘ , although that our legal system of the right to the male defendant legal defense, but the question is not legal defense, but, yes, leaving these untied delinquents in the streets without the had cabveis punishments. A great example is the dry law, where many of the infractors is not made responsible by its acts and the minority can yes pay for its acts, but which is the reason? The money or a good lawyer? I know that they are two factors that make with that they burlem our law, our emendations constitutional bringing to the families disgust for our judiciary system where only the weak ones lose. It will be that we go to invent something that in which it only goes to fill a white place in our Constitution? We go to make to be valid what this in our constitution. If justice is for all because some continue unpunished? Until when we go to create laws and more laws, Emendation more Emendations Constitutional if we do not fulfill the one that already we have in hands..
Today it was I resell some works made during the college and found interesting to share with vocs one of them on corporative education. Good reading, until next post: The corporative Education consists of a process of perfectioning and update of knowledge, aiming at to improve the qualification technique and professional, according to Mundium (2002; 63). It is a type of permanent, continuous education and that it turns around one same nucleus of concern: the development of the company. This concept of training was born in the decade of 80, in the United States, where it is practised for more than 2 a thousand companies. In Brazil this number is well more modest, but it went up of 10 for 170 in the last decade. The example of multinationals as the SIEMENS, that it searchs to enable and to develop its body of professionals and still to improve the productivity and the quality of the services.
The main objective of the corporative Education is to prevent that the professional if outdates professionally in the technique, cultural and, and loses its capacity of to exert the profession with ability and efficiency, being caused disreputation to the profession and leaving the professional with incapacity sensation. Belief exists in organizations Brazilian of that the people alone give to importance to the external factors and not to the content of the proper work carried through, that characterizes, for its time the motivation. Of this form, one program of corporative education must not only take care of to the external factors of satisfaction in relation to the process of learning inside of the company, with also finding and adopting organizacionais and educational resources capable not to suffocate inherent the motivacionais forces to the proper people, but yes to motivate them. Corporative education Until the decade of 80, the continued education was an academic exclusiveness, for a privileged group of people that presented conditions of if bringing up to date. Currently the continued education is not plus an academic exclusiveness, but an imposition of the market of work, motivated mainly for the technological and economic changes, therefore it only leaves of being also to be incorporated update as requalification concept. The companies are optimizing the time and reducing the costs through the corporative Education. The challenge biggest is to create an education environment in which all employee of the company it understands the importance of the continuous learning tied the enterprise goals. Because the great majority is accustomed with the process of beginning, way and end, where the pupil if form and stop to learn. But the corporative university encourages to the fight for the continuity of our qualifications during all our professional life.