Law of Intention

I must clarify the evolution of the understanding of the law of intention, because it has so affected generations of influence erroneous. The whole concept and philosophy of positive attitude developed to excess in American literature has not helped the positive understanding of the law of intent. The authors and researchers are addressing contemporary understanding of this law. Frequently, they identify this correction as the "new paradigm". Because they distinguish between the concepts of thought and spirit that are very vague and ambiguous as the foundation that the interpretations of these concepts originated mainly from a religious philosophy. I have presented in the previous article a quote many times repeated in the literature from James Allen, a psychologist of the nineteenth century: "Man is made and unmade himself in the arsenal of his thoughts. " Let me give you some quotes from other authors of books on success and positive attitude for you to raise the importance they attach to the concept of thought: "Whatever man can conceive, it can realize "how many authors repeat that quote without explaining what the original source," A man may rise, conquer and succeed in improving his thoughts.

" James Allen. The man is a reflection of their thoughts, "Man can not directly choose the circumstances surrounding it, he may choose his thoughts, and can therefore form the circumstances of his life." James Allen. The man is a reflection of their thoughts, "We become what we think." Og Mandino. The biggest secret in the world, "We are what we think and we can control what we think.