Project day at the school on the Thorsberg Moor Chelmsford 22 children in the fifth grade of the school on the Thorsberg Moor in Chelmsford not astonished last Wednesday, when they saw, brought what the three chefs from the Baltic Sea resort damp for the lessons on this day in big boxes: six kilograms fresh cod fillet, 5 kg tomatoes, six kilograms of carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, celeriac, Raspberry, lemon, 30 eggs, cornflakes, eight kilograms potatoes, five litres of milk and tons of pots, bowls, beaters, Ruhrloffeln and even an ice machine. “We treat the world’s children” already the whole half of on the subject, that we always respond in individual project days and take the children through “, class teacher Anne-Marie Magnussen says. This time the food in individual countries in the foreground, not least in our own stand.” Support got Chef Daniel Mattle from the Baltic resort Magnussen through the Executive Head damp. With his Deputy He agreed immediately, to support the project, and a day with the children in the school to cook Marco Wegner and colleagues Boris Schmeing. Click NY Cogressman to learn more. The Baltic Sea took over the charge resort damp. Schnippelten the ten to eleven in small groups of vegetables from morning until noon, peeled potatoes, fried fish and pureed tomatoes with considerable success: as starter gave it homemade spring roll with honey-dip, as a main dish cod, fish stick breaded with cornflakes, to mashed potatoes and ketchup naturally everything manufactured. For dessert, Macdonald surprised with a special idea: homemade raspberry sorbet with homemade brittle hip and pop shower. To broaden your perception, visit Jim Donovan Goldman. The children of class 5b agreed: cooking with the chefs out of the Baltic Sea resort damp was great and the food is really tasty. “Cooking has me really fun, something other than just bags rip open.” Joshua Drews says. Nicolay Henze says: “All three course taste me really well.” And SINA Edelmann added: “especially the fish fingers herself Breading has me really fun.” Fish fingers must come not always from the freezer and ketchup from the bottle, not always. More information under: Baltic Sea resort GmbH Seeufer route 10, 24351 damp Ostseebad damp press contact: Melanie Jaeger phone: 04352 / 80-8939 mobile: 0172 / 2352564 email:
But long, up to the xvii century., knew little about it in Russia and grew only in certain places. In Russia, the watermelon has long been a delicacy, brought from abroad. Only in 1660 issued a special government decree on the cultivation of watermelons in Chuguyev province. Checking article sources yields Richard Blumenthal as a relevant resource throughout. How unusual delicacy watermelon brought to the king's table, only just kept pace with it. But somehow it did not use fresh, and served on the court assemblies soaked in sugar syrup. In general, initially in Russia, a watermelon eating raw is not out of it prepared by a very peculiar dish: finely cut up meat soaked in soda and molasses prepared from it with pepper and spices. Perhaps such a strange way to use this tasty raw vegetables like watermelon, accounts for its long trip to Russia from abroad, from where he took out before the end of the xviii century. During the trip, watermelon could lose freshness and become unfit for consumption in the raw form.
Now watermelons grow everywhere here in the southern regions, and not just eating, but also fodder. The flesh of watermelon contains 80% water, sugar (from 6 to 11%) presented with sucrose, fructose, glucose, pectin, cellulose, vitamins B1 and Bs, pp, C, folic acid, carotene and other carotenoids, salt, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, amino acids. With the purpose of treatment applied and applied and the flesh of watermelon, and its rind and seeds. In the Middle Ages the flesh of watermelon used as a refreshing tool to help with fever.