Syntax Proposals

If a syllable is in the beginning of a word, it may not contain the first consonant, in other cases a syllable – is consonant + vowel + optional n. n is not put, if followed by the n or m. Of all the options syllables in tokipone forbidden syllables: ji, ti, wo, wu (a hard-to). Words in tokipone not changed by the endings, prefixes and suffixes. Many words can act as a noun and a verb and as an adjective, and as an adverb. At the same time, these words are in contrast to the Russian language does not change in writing. Syntax Proposals tokipone have rigidly defined structure.

Basic laws of sentence structure can be expressed in the following rules: qualifying word comes after clarifies: the adjective comes after the noun, and adverb comes after the verb. For example: jan (people) pona (good) means a good man and not the human good. Predicate in sentence comes after the subject, and if the subject is not a pronoun mi (I) or sina (you), subject and predicate are separated by the function word li. Li word is used in order to be able to specify a noun adjectives in the subject, and do not get confused by this. For example, in the sentence jan pona li tawa (go) jan – noun, pona – adjective, tawa – verb. If it were not li, could count pona tawa second verb or adjective.