What do you know about the Orenburg? City on the outskirts of Russia, almost a village, kerchief, virgin and gas? It's not all. Orenburg – a city with more than half the population and the 267-year history, it has to look at. Now I try to tell you that there are interesting in Orenburg. In the historic center you can see the building and construction of 18-19 cc. Here is everything – and the typical structure of provincial architecture of the time, and striking his grandeur of government buildings and luxurious mansions. All this is supported in very good condition. In the city center and the remains of the city gates of the old fortress in 1743.
Among attractions of the city of Orenburg – the first and second housing Neplyuevskogo Cadet School and the home of the Noble Assembly. According to the project by Alexander Bryullova in 1836-1842 years. was built Caravan-Saray with mosques and minarets. Historical value are building arcade and Central Market. Building a water tower, built in the early 20 th century, it is interesting to its original shape. Among the historical monuments – home merchants Kiselyov and Matveeva, house and the house Galaktionova magistrate. Since Orenburg – There are many denominational, it is possible to see a large number of beautiful temples, churches and mosques – Nicholas Cathedral and the Church of St.
Sergius Demetrius church and chapel Tabynsk Mother of God and others. There is also a Catholic church and the coming of the Single Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia, Hussaini Mosque and Mosque. City street Orenburg – Soviet. There are many monuments, shops, a souvenir you can buy souvenirs. The city has a planetarium, and kids will love the children's railway, running along the Ural River. In honor of the founding of the city of Orenburg installed stele. Visiting the memorial of the Great Patriotic War, you inspect the monuments to the war dead and those who worked at the front in the rear. There are other places in the city, which will be especially interesting to visit the visitor. This is first luxury Drama Theatre. Bitter, Regional Philharmonic Society, Theatre of Musical Comedy. A very interesting displays are presented in the museum of history of Orenburg. This museum is housed in a building with a tower and clock, Built in Gothic style in the 19 century. In form it resembles a castle. The museum's displays tell about the history of the city. Also operate a museum of military glory and the Afghan War, Art House, memory and museum-apartment of the family Rostropovichey.Osobenno worth noting such complexes, as open-air museums' National Village 'and' Salute, victory! "Which has no analogues in Russia. Monuments of the city, they should not be counted: V. Chkalov, Pushkin, Pushkin, and Dahl, L. Tolstoy, Musa Jalil, Yuri Gagarin, Elizabethan gates, stele 'Europe-Asia' and many others. And how many in the city parks, gardens, flowers and fountains! In summer months, Orenburg and fragrant blooms better than the southern cities of Russia. Well of course, talking about Orenburg, not to mention beautiful descent to the Ural River, the promenade and a suspension bridge that connects the two parts of the world – Europe and Asia. Recently, to get from Europe to Asia and back is possible and when using the cable car that crosses the river, in a comfortable six-booths. Here's a he, a quiet provincial Orenburg. As you can see, here too there is a life and a lot of interesting things!