Roman Empire

It, Claude took, it as wife and vocs had constructed a family. Its mother, Olga, its marriage faleceu of serious illness four years after. It was with 50 years of age and you 19 years. You already had a son, Homero, and an entire life for the front Its husband, now centurio of the Roman Empire, a conqueror, was sent to live in a region conquered in the north of the Europe and took the family together with it.

Juliana, you was to live in a called region Britain, with many rebellious warriors, who kept a resistance against the hegemony of Rome. Juliana, young created with all the requintes of Rome, beautiful, cultured in the arts of music, the poetry, the dance, was in a moved away place, far from everything, far from its world, but next to the husband whom it chose and with its son. The time that does not stop! Already this with 27 years and again engravida you, and have plus a pretty boy, who was called Augustus (this I break was Olga, who renasce now, to join you and to alliviate its sadnesses again). Again together vocs, Juliana and Olga, now as being this boy, Augustus, who if became the center of all its life. It illuminated the ways disturbances that were its front in those lands of Britain. When August he completed five years, he happened a battle where vocs they liveed and its husband was wounded in combat seriously.

Being thus, Rome decides to call it in return. you, Juliana, its August son, its husband Claude and its another son, Homero, that now with 15 years, comes back to the center of the civilization of the time, perpetual Rome! In little time its Homero son is incorporated the army, to follow the career of the father, Claude who now was senator in Rome. Again you, Juliana conquered the city of Rome with its life You come back if to dedicate to music, and the poetry Its loved son, August (that its mother was Olga and that also a life was its friend before) completes twenty years, influential young of the politics of Rome, conquest a marriage with an foreigner, coming of Egypt, north of Africa. forms a pretty family. You seem to distanciar yourself of Augustus because of its new life. You who were Juliana, that was Horcio, you die with forty and eight years, in Rome thus the perpetual trams of its life, that in one to change of personages fascinates, continues Some centuries to the front you are born in England (Britain) to shine in that nation that appears dominant in a new world I, eat who it writes, I dare to place itself as one of the personages also, to its side, that one that participates of its trajectory at many moments Today the time is another one, but they had been souvenirs that do not leave its mind and its spirit Its house, its blue sea, its land of viking ‘ ‘. Vito Fazzani.