
The integrational revision provides a more immediate method of applicability of the related study, aiming at to improve, each time more, the performance of the diverse areas of knowledge. It takes to construct us to it works where they present important article aspects of interests, using secondary sources for elaboration of a specific work, therefore it places the knowledge in the practical one, with more rapidity, it is mediate. The search of some articles takes it a research of relevance for a fast conclusion. ‘ ‘ The integrativa revision is a method that provides to the synthesis of knowledge and the incorporation of the applicability of results of significant studies in prtica.’ ‘ (SOUZA and collaborators, 2010). 2. REVISION INTEGRATIVA: THE IMPORTANCE AND ITS APPLICABILITIES. The integrativa revision provides a more immediate method of applicability of the related study, aiming at to improve, each time more, the performance of the diverse areas of knowledge.

‘ ‘ The integrativa revision is a method that it provides to the synthesis of knowledge and the incorporation of the applicability of results of significant studies in prtica.’ ‘ (SOUZA and collaborators, 2010). The integrativa revision, for excusing to the use of primary sources, since the contact of the researcher with study objects is not necessary, as patient or children, in such a way amplifies the practicability of the intention, ‘ ‘ allowing the inclusion of experimental and not-experimental studies for a complete understanding of the analyzed phenomenon. It also combines data of theoretical and empirical literature, beyond incorporating a vast fan of intentions: definition of concepts, revision of theories and evidences, and analysis of metodolgicos problems of a topic particular.’ ‘ (SOUZA and collaborators, 2010). In its main objectives, this type of revision ‘ ‘ he involves the definition of a problem, the search and the critical evaluation of the available evidences, the implementation of the evidences in practical and the evaluation of the results obtidos.’ ‘ (MENDES, SILVEIRA, GALVO, 2008).