
There statistics are such people who have suffered assaults that minutes before had a hunch that would be assaulted. But as I always say, what I or other authors say should not be taken as absolute truth, be received as the possibility of finding the way for ourselves to consider how best look and investigate different sources that information we are receiving at that time, to and from another perspective we remove our own conclusions without being influenced by what we are told first. Amazon will not settle for partial explanations. The latter reference comes in to look for on our own present and past experiences to have evidence of what we take knowledge and that are different from the paradigms that we default to the present. By this I mean that remember where we had the intuition that this friend was going to call or think of him and then magically the phone rang, I chanced to him. Or for example when we are crossing an intersection and have the feeling that we must do it the other corner and then goes on in that corner that we avoid an accident.

The examples are many, most of the time to be insignificant, but they do happen, and will always remember some intuition came true. Some will say, yes that happens but it happens. The law of attraction chance does not exist, only causality. Everything occurs as a result of some conscious or unconscious act, but nothing happens without anything has influenced to succeed. Otherwise, the prediction is going to happen this or that would violate the law of averages, in millions by the possibility that happen.