Paul Ricoeur

We evidence this affirmation when we verify the following stretch: What he is that vocs they think, that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Maria? It is not possible that it has given the light and has continued virgin. It who has been a good man any, or son of some man of good well can very be (GUINZBURG, 2006:35). In this manner, Guinzburg goes counting the history of Menocchio. I consign as excellent to detect that its narrative is not chronological, since, already in the first pages, it communicates the reader who in day 28 of September of 1583, the miller was denounced to the Ofcio Saint. However, its form to tell is not harmed, that is, of easy understanding.

We face, therefore, as much the documentation as the narrative, in this in case that, as a chance to not only reconstruct ' ' masses indistintas' ' , as, also, the individual personalities. From a biographical reconstitution, we perceive a point of view of the subordinate classrooms and becomes possible to analyze the relation of the experience of an individual, in one determined space, with a modulation of global history. Thus being, we can perceive in the workmanship of Carlos Guinzburg, some points that we initially ponder, as for example, the use of the narrative as one forms to clarify the structures, mentioned for Peter Burke, since the Italian historian found a satiated documentation, and can reconstitute the trajectory of Menocchio in and a clearly attractive text, discharging in a general hypothesis on the popular culture of the Europe daily pay-industrial. We verify that the narrative became, in this workmanship, a component of historiogrfica operation, as it pointed out Paul Ricoeur, and was capable to demonstrate, through a story of solid facts, the true functioning of some aspects of the society that would be distorted by the generalization and for used quantitative formalizao independent e, finally, incorporated, to the main body of the narrative, the documentary procedures of research in itself, limitations, the interpretativas techniques of persuasion and constructions.