On the road with a car can happen any. Car park is constantly growing, and added the number of those who recently got behind the wheel. In most situations the tow truck is needed when a failure of auto. However, often tow is in demand and as a result of the accident, when should I deliver the car to the examination or service. Other, more "exotic" reasons to use tow – Lock the door locks because the keys left in a car or a high degree of intoxication. So, what to do when you're such a trouble has occurred – car refused the most inopportune moment, it is urgently needed evacuation to specialist services in order to "improve their health," or the parking lot, and move independently, it can not? You can contact companies that provide transportation services cars. Self-respecting firm, 90 percent of cases, provide a reliable tow 24×7 – around the clock, including weekends and holidays.
What information is important to tell the dispatcher the company for transportation, so as soon as possible solve the problem? 1) model car – it just helps you understand what will be needed to tow your particular case. 2) The registration number and the color of the vehicle to its success in identifying the location. 3) the completeness of available damages, if you are able to provide. But will address needed transportation, arrival time, a tow truck, your contact information and personal data for communication. For the motorist, please make a tricky situation needs to be fast, accurate and inexpensive evacuation of his car at the desired location. The time of filing, of course, depends on where you are – in Moscow and the Moscow region during the arrival of a tow truck in will largely depend on whether there is a "plug" in the right direction.
It is necessary to consider if you do call a tow truck. The higher transport service exists in the market, the more well-established logistics and, therefore, this The organization has the opportunity to perform more quickly received applications. In the capital, usually served in a tow truck for 1 hour. Question savings vehicle generally will depend on what kind of tow truck used the organization providing these services. Very good in terms of speed, affordable and safe method of loading and unloading of your vehicle immobile – is to use tow truck with a hydraulic platform. Help even in quite difficult situations. Evacuation of the car with the suspension front or rear axle to tow – in this case, unfortunately, begins the uneven distribution of load on the back of the truck, due to irregularities of the pavement may strain the individual elements of the exterior. You have the opportunity, how to maintain your vehicle to your destination on the tow truck, and refuse this by writing letter of attorney to his carriage, giving the vehicle documents and a list of visible damage. Please note that the evacuation of a severe and unusual cases (night call, a simple request of the customer, locking steering, wheels) usually require you to pay for additional services. If you are not the first time using the services first and the same organization, you can count on a discount as a repeat customer.