Occult Government

IF the OCCULT GOVERNMENT IF CONFESSED theological Fiction realistaacerca of the possible answers that the Occult Governor of the Land would give the Christian umentrevistador in naipe of a Enoque As the incredulity concerning the Theory of the most obstinate Conspirao of the skepticisms, judges for good to try to repass aspossveis answers that ' ' Oculto&#039 governor; ' of the Land (doravante G.O.), called for Jesus ' ' Prince of this mundo' ' , he would give to an interviewer of nvelde a Enoque, the prophet whose book inexplicably was excluded from Canon Official Cristo.Daremos, in the possible measure do, all the references of the bblicosselecionados stretches, and we will use the fictitious name of one another Enoque, to never more mark well amisso nor always homaged of that he walked with God and foivisto. The answers of ' ' Tirano' ' they would be the following ones. Enoque: IT CREATED WHO IT? G.O.: I was created by the proper God, good before the existnciado man. Ezequiel 28:15 (As everything what he exists, it also is one criaturade God). Enoque: AS YOU AGE WHEN IT WAS CREATED? G.O.: I came to the existence already in adult form e, as Adam, notive infancy. I age a symbol of perfection, full of wisdom and formosura eminhas vestments had been prepared with precious rocks. Ezequiel 28:12,13 (Deusjamais created or would create the Evil; therefore, the badness in the heart of the GO is atoexclusivo of he himself, made possible for the Free-will given for God todasas its creatures; any creature who the same enveredasse for thought doGO, could and can arrive at that complete badness, that forever annuls to aliberdade of choice and the personality for vitimado it, becoming the creature umfantoche at the hands of the hatred). Enoque: WHERE YOU LIVEED? G.O.: In the Garden of the den and Saint of God walked in the brightness of the pedraspreciosas of the mount.