Moscow Business School Skolkovo

In the Moscow Business School Skolkovo held the first info session on the issues of led lighting. The forum was attended by the largest importers of led light sources, Russian producers trading companies, representatives of city administration and others professionally interested in led lighting. During the four-hour meeting students a lecture about the current state LEDs on the Russian market, were 16 master classes, raising issues of market for led lighting America, China, Japan and other countries. Of Russian and foreign experts have affected especially the use of indoor and outdoor lighting, modern lighting control systems, as well as environmental, economic and aesthetic aspects. In the next part of the meeting had taken place clear demonstration innovative developments in various fields of led light sources. Common to all products have been consistently low energy consumption, as well as not difficult to trace the significant growth of quality indicators lighting. In the final part of the forum being presented by the best projects in the field of led lighting over the past two years, the number of which were light School of Management skolkovo, the introduction of semiconductor light sources in the State Hermitage, oao rzd, jsc Lukoil, jsc Sberbank of Russia, "Sheremetyevo International Airport and others.