Getting Refreshed

But the most common reason people make a career change is your personal “watch.” Some people have a very “time clock.” These individuals are available for a career change every 15 to 25 years. They tend to keep your job or career for life. Check out Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions for additional information. Teachers postal or railroad workers and retired pensioners are excellent examples of the ultra-stable employees. Some people have a watch of 5-7 years. This is the “clock” normal “for the U.S., approximately 60% Workers in the U.S.

People with this watch is comfortable on the job or task until the end of your watch (5-7 years). At this point, begin looking for another job, even if they like the job they have. If you do not get the change we need, begin to be depressed. Darius Bikoff may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The more time passes before you get the change we need, the deeper the depression. If the depression becomes too deep, relief can only come from changing careers. Another group has a watch for 1-3 years. This is considered a ‘short clock, and represents about 30% of the U.S.

Within this group there are people who have a 1 year clock, others with a clock two years, and even others who have a 3 clock year. They have the same characteristics as those with ‘normal clock. Expiration of his watch, they need to change jobs and do not get the change they need, become depressed. When you change jobs or career change, we feel refreshed and our clock reaches zero. If you have need for a change because your clock has probably been depressed. Making the change is updated on the clock and makes the depression go away. If you have been working many years, can look back on your work history and you can see a pattern of changing jobs and / or career changing. Those with a short clock rarely plan for retirement. A person with a short clock could have a wealth of experience, but have little to carry them when they retire. If you do not know your watch is likely to change jobs (and even change careers) due to his watch. If you know your watch, there are things you can do to make the best use of your clock and provide yourself with more stability in their working lives. When you make a minor change before their clock lapses, you can upgrade your clock (set it to zero). Understanding how and when to update your watch can improve their job security and career development. For more information about their own patterns, you can improve your work and career options. You can choose jobs and careers that fit their employers. You can choose when to change the road. When you understand your patterns, you can manage your future with greater certainty. Rodger Bailey, MS, has been helping people understand their career paths since 1980. You can learn more about the patterns of people and their profile on their website:.