Among the actions developed by the education sector in search of improving the quality of education and meet the objectives of the law include those aimed at Production by the Ministry of Education Core Curriculum Guidelines at the national, general and study areas and the definition of performance indicators, in the process of curricular flexibility and autonomy emanating from the General Education Law and the design standards. The general guidelines for a theoretical underpinning in front of the integral human development, the guidelines propose area-disciplinary approach, processes inherent basic content and skills development. Curricular achievement indicators, such as signals, tracks, evidence of the ways that evolving human development processes driven by education, are descriptions of performances that allow the inference of competence, since they are not directly observable and quality standards as a way of trying to maintain a minimum level of quality at national level. Within these approaches the objectives of education in Colombia is that it gives the debate about evaluation should match what you are looking to achieve with the student. Since the law, the concept of evaluation has expanded, with different connotations, not only applied to students but conceptualized as the process by which seeks to ensure quality, compliance with the purposes and by improving intellectual, moral and physical learners. The Ministry of Education in its final document and scope of Decree 0230 of 2002 states that assessment means being able to judge a particular case, after an investigation process that gives elements to this issue at trial and the faculty of understanding, whereby man can distinguish right from wrong and truth from falsehood.