Together with this research of the IPEA the mamata was disclosed also that the government Squid offered to the bankers in only five years of government. A made survey enters 2003 the 2008 (period of the first mandate of Squid and beginning of as the mandate) evidenced that the Brazilian banks had had the biggest profits of all history. Greaters until the eight years of the government of Fernando Enrique Cardoso (1995-2002). Only in the period of March of 2007 the March of 2008, 18 searched Brazilian banks had presented a yield on the equity two bigger times that 94 North American banks. While the Brazilian banks had profited 21.94%, the banks of the United States had had income in 9,72%.Esta research of the IPEA display in the way most accurate the pr-imperialista politics it government Squid that is to flay until the bone the diligent classroom and the poor population while money rivers go to stop at the hands of the bankers and national and international capitalists. The humbug every day divulged for the government Squid on the growth of the economy and ' ' prosperidade' ' of the diligent classroom and the poor population, with the indices total invented of the research of economic growth, it is completely evident by means of the constatao of that the population is spending each time more to survive.
Already the minimum wage of hunger is not enough that the workers have that to receive still they are bombed with higher taxes each time. Together – to this all an offensive one of the government and the masters against the labor laws. Same more than paying to one tero of the wage in taxes the workers still is obliged to suffer with pssimas conditions from life as the lack from hospitals, doctors etc. what it is resulting in the epidemic of affection in all the Country, beyond the trashing of the schools and university, in the public transport each more expensive and inefficient time.