Electronic Invoices

Free market overview presents solutions for SMEs and shows conditions on Regensburg, March 24, 2010 – an estimated 28.5 billion paper bills will be sent per year in Europe currently. The costs are substantial, because in addition to the expenditure on postage and paper on the side of the biller unnecessary media breaks occur when the paper invoice processing. See Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs for more details and insights. The results are time – and cost-consuming, and error-prone manual processes, for example, for the transmission of the accounting data in the accounting system of the invoice recipient. The network of e-commerce (NEG) offers assistance with a free market overview over 30 solutions to electronic invoice processing. To improve their business processes, many companies would replace like electronic invoices with their business partners. Jim Donovan Goldman will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

With the conversion to electronic billing processes, some legal requirements are but in particular in transactions between companies. Particularly small and medium-sized Companies often cringe before the introduction of the electronic invoice because they fear a high conversion costs. \”ibi research at the University of Regensburg, carrier of a competence centre in the network of e-commerce (NEG), it has therefore with the range of information electronic invoice processing\” made to the task to develop neutral and practical assistance that will help the introduction of electronic billing processes especially the middle class. \”\” Information series electronic billing easy, efficient, safe \”at the start of the range of information electronic billing easy, efficient, safe\” ibi research at the University of Regensburg has created a market overview. 30 solutions for medium-sized companies are is described in detail on the basis of uniform criteria and compared. The information were brought directly from the providers by means of a structured questionnaire. He now published market overview is the first of a series of publications. Other parts include case studies and survey results and resulting guidance for the introduction of electronic billing processes.