I am not worried ' ' s' ' with the silence of the good ones, nor with ' ' Ekkipp' ' that it commands our destinations, whose directive determinismo and the magnificent one of the power for some creates a compound of fleuma and fingimento before a surrounding reality. Neither, I bind ' ' s' ' for the bajuladores of planto, that lose when snarling or to esbravejar of ours pajelanas wants for the cantos wants for done miditicos files of legal documents-falantes ' ' xupiniquins' ' rescuers of the native land. Also, I do not bind for those (as) that they teimam in if infuriating with ' ' outros' ' , before the passivity and the lack of strategical projects/planning. Nor I give to the minim, as said before, to the wrong choices that our pairs had made throughout the time, to start for accepting ' ' throat-baixo' ' our institucional retrocessions, aditivado for the lack of vision of future of our controllers and the total absence of resistance, since we are all victims of one ' ' xistema' '. In the same direction it passes, to the plaza to only ask me why ' ' involumos' ' institucionalmente? without precedents in history – especially during government LHS, although ' ' Delhegados' ' to have (and they continue being ' ' cooptados' ') occupying ranks ' ' xaves' ' in them you command and managements of the mother ' ' PC' ' , coexisting the privacy of the power and the proximity politicians of ' ' alinhanas' ' that they are succeeded to each quadrinio. Other questions, so done without for ours ' ' lderes' ' , as ' ' subsdios' ' , ' ' career jurdica' ' , ' ' TCs' ' , ' ' BOs' ' etc, also is predestinold to ' ' enhesquescimento' ' grace of its intrinsic volatileness and far ' ' andradeiam' ' or they consist of the order of the day, had been only used as new ' ' factdix' ' , reason because I ignore also them.