In way to the process, the two trends politics, two forces antagonistic, that is, liberal-burguese and the popular resolution. Not occurring in way its formation differences, therefore both promoted the development capitalist and defended the city or towns, therefore the autonomy would be the only form of guaranteeing to its inhabitants the right the land. Vilhitas and zapatistas had points its favor, therefore they dominated the center of the countries, being capable to send troops for any point of Mexico, in virtue of such control, that they dominated; being clearly that the zapatistas had, great it influences promoting the movements and manifestations, whose interest turned ' ' questions agrria' ' ' ' questions operaria' ' , ' ' reform social, administrative and poltica' '. With regard to questions you would operate the program established an educational system, laws on industrial accidents, pensions for pensioners and etc. the convention also lesgilou on the national education, the foreign university, monopoly, the mining, exploration and others.
Thus we notice that the revolutionary ideal peasant did not die in the battlefields, those ideals of the product of the fight of classrooms, involving always the Mexican bourgeoisie, prevailing with objective to lead, not it revolutionary radicalism, however aiming at transformations of the society. Therefore the objectives, searched were a igualitria society, a state organized in relations the economy, social politics and. But we can conclude that the shocks between the groups, had developed a feeling of rivalry and opposition between the defenders and you lead of Mexico. However looking at on the other hand, the abalos, provoked for the zapatista movement and others, favored to constitute the social reforms, that if incorporated in the state; that backwards today indelveis marks of a direct confrontation of different classrooms, but with interest to defend its objectives; creating symbolically one ' ' state revolucionrio' '. We must observes the drama lived for Bolivia, that is the same in relation to the other continents; why the history of this country it synthecizes the politicosocial anguish of Latin America.