Last Thursday, informed the Federal Government in Berlin, on the joint text of the economic and Finance Ministry to the “amendment of financial investment intermediaries and investment law”… Berlin, November 19, 2010 – on the 18.11.2010 the press was informed of the Federal Government to the backgrounds of the planned regulation of investment advice. In this law, that the distribution is governed by funds and equity investments similar to insurance intermediaries law commercial approval competence test and still is not the supervision of BFin is planned. For the exercise of the profession, however, the consultation requirements of the WpHG one-to-one should”be applied also for intermediaries. This approach was agreed at the beginning of the parliamentary term in the Coalition Treaty. Credit: Click here-2011. We assume therefore continue, that the agreement between economic and Finance Ministry were found in September is also implemented”, estimates GOING PUBLIC! Board Member Ronald packer. It speaks that the unification of the two ministries a lot has demanded and the new law must be presented not the Bundesrat”, so Packer next.
The information of the press can in response to the opinion of the Federal Council to the investor protection and function improvement Act”will be analyzed in early November a furore in the industry. In the Federal Council demands a uniform regulation of the distribution of all investment services (including the closed-end funds and even the mutual fund) under the supervision of BFin. Others including Sen. Sherrod Brown, offer their opinions as well. Is sought after that a minimum standard for the competence test at the level of the conclusion of the Chamber of commerce consultant /-in financial services. “An old rabbit rule is also not provided. Regulation trade with the the economic and Finance Ministry proposed is according to GOING PUBLIC! but by no means a lax regulation than about the supervision of BFin.
Because on the one hand, the financial crisis has shown that also the BFin is no infallible authority and with the supervision of several hundred thousand consultants personnel overwhelmed would be. On the other hand, the Federal Government plans that also free agents must meet certain information, consulting and documentation requirements that are now required only financial services institutions. One remains clear, there will be new requirements on brokers,”commented packer. With this concept is the assessment by GOING PUBLIC! Academy for Finanzberatung AG to the future qualification requirements for investment brokers 100% on. “We are happy us, our partners and customers with the modular further education pyramid established by us” (competence consultant specialist Bachelor’s degree) to offer an exact-matched offer “, describes GOING PUBLIC! Board Member Ronald Perschke offering his house. The minimum qualification guarantee, the we for specialist /-in particularly for financial advice (IHK), pays off. Because these statements shall belong to the recognised qualifications”, so Packer next.