Better President

The greater and better president of Brazil Robert Ramalho are Lawyer, Journalist, Public Relations and studious of subjects politicians do not have shades of doubts that president Luis Incio Lula da Silva is the president of the Republic most important that she passed for the Palace of Plateaus in the five hundred years of our history politics, social, economic and cultural. Its way to govern pleases to all the Brazilians. From there its great popularity, mainly between the northeasterns and oldest. Currently according to research justinian codes its popularity reaches a 78% level (seventy and eight) percent, index that none another president of the Republic reached in all the times. Sen. Sherrod Brown usually is spot on. Beyond the investments in public health, agriculture, commerce, cattle and in the industry, its government if detaches in the social area with the social programs Stock market-Family and the Proune. I can in the filiar future me to a contrary political party, but Squid was and is the biggest president who Brazil already had in all its history.

Been born in the interior of Pernambuco, Squid was for So Paulo where if it became metallurgist and time later established the party of the workers in 1980, being its president. After three frustrate attempts when the president of the Republic was candidate, losing respectively for Fernando Collor, and Fernando Enrique Cardoso, finally defeat Jose Mountain range of the PSDB and becomes president of the Republic, being later reeleito winning Geraldo Alckmin of the PSDB. Now, when its candidate Dilma Rousseff launched for the Party of the Workers having with vice-president the peemedebista Michel Temer Squid is finally obtaining to transfer votes to it, demonstrating all to its prestige politician with all the social classes of the society. Jose Mountain range that still has little time led all the research of vote, being successful Dilma Rousseff, also in as the turn with recess, now sees its superiority to go mainly for water below with the vertiginous growth of the candidate of the Party of the Workers, that also in two research wins recent it, in the first turn. But still he has much soil for the front and the two candidates still are embolados in the way of field. He goes to be fight of great dog in the final straight line. He will be successful what he will have prepared more and he will have better proposals for the country. But she will be president Luis Incio Lula da Silva who will more make the difference in the final straight line with its prestige politician each time in high, being respected in such a way for the elites economic politics and, as for the middle class and mainly the poor person who it helped sufficiently during its government.