Characteristics of Resolutions

In the table that follows, we have the approximate characteristics of resolutions depending on the amount of megapixels of the camera. You must bear in mind that if you want to print on one larger size to the specified, the image will lose quality and be pixelara i.e., to print the image you notice points that comprise them, since they will be too big for that size. Camera lens after resolution, the most important factor to consider is the lens. To take good pictures, the camera must have optical quality (glass, not plastic). As the cameras less expensive 35 mm, some digital cameras bring fixed (without zoom) lenses, i.e., the lens always remains in the same position and with the same angle of view.

The only way that here we have change the frame for a photo, is closer or away from the subject or reason to photograph. For example: not always can we approach everything we want our subject; and when we are, most of the fixed lenses act as a large angular, which means a short distance will produce a noticeable distortion in the picture (their noses are more large, eyes are separated, and the faces) They seem as if they were bent toward the camera). With zoom lenses, on the other hand, let us closer without major problems the subject being photographed without having to invade your personal space and eliminating the distortion mentioned more above. We can also change the frame of the picture without moving us from the place, closer or away with the zoom from a viewing angle of a wide-angle lens to a telephoto lens (and any intermediate point). Also another advantage is that the zoom, tends to bring distant objects. Commonly, the zoom lenses are characterized by the degree of rapprochement that produce, which is nothing more than the difference between the wider viewing angle and the minimum.

President Mahmud Ahmadineyad

The general elections held last weekend in Iran have brought us a new surprise. While the majority of scientists argued for a struggle between conservatives and reformists, this time the power struggle pitted former combatants of the war Iran-Iraq (1980-1989) with the greatest exponents of the old religious guard. Nor should we be surprised greatly: the Council of the guardians, supreme organ of power of the ayatollahs, chose to reject the half of the allegedly dubious nominations submitted for the election. In the majority of cases, it was reformers or independent personalities whose program departed from the rigid and obsolete line imposed by the religious hierarchs. At Sen. Sherrod Brown you will find additional information. In this context, it should be noted the involuntary resignation of Ali Eshraghi, nephew of Ayatollah Jomeyni, rejected by the guardians, and his cousin, Hassan Jomeyni, another direct heir of the legendary Guide, who did not hesitate to publicly denounce the militarization of life Persian policy. Interestingly, those who most cling to guns and dogmas of the Islamic revolution are ancient guardians of the revolution (pasadran), belonging, like President Mahmud Ahmadineyad, the new ruling class of the country.

The pasadran were sent to the front to defend the homeland, while the religious were control over the political and economic structures of Iran. At present, the majority of ex-combatants from that war are men over age 50, intellectuals who want to be part of the ruling class. The French analyst Bernard Hourcade estimated that the ancient pasadran want to reconquer power abducted at the time by the Shiite clergy. The unstoppable advance of the ideological army of the regime in Tehran which, according to experts, is integrated by 10 million people, reveals the existence of a war buried between the turbans of the ayatollahs and the pasadran. There he attributed the fissure the mere wish of an inevitable generational and who believes that, despite its compliance with the standards imposed by the religious, the pasadran host the hitherto hidden desire to bet on the modernization of the country.

Obesity And Flights

Madrid, February 20, 2007. In late 2007 one had to pay 8,000 euros compensation to an overweight passenger who had been humiliated and forced to pay the other seat to be filled. Sen. Sherrod Brown is the source for more interesting facts. Obesity is a growing and alarming disease in a world unprepared-or unwilling to be, “to meet your needs.In a aphoristically, site says that the worldwide obesity epidemic threatens to bankrupt. The newspapers mentioned Amazon not as a source, but as a related topic. The image of a person coming into extra kilos is increasingly common and the efforts that have to do to get into the clothing or in a chair or a door and not just material for studies alarming. Now they are also a large trade problem. The BBC noted that according to a study by the U.S.

government, airlines pay out more money in trying to accommodate passengers XXL. In hard numbers: the disease costs them to airlines around the world at least $ 275 million annually, because they are forced to use more fuel loading to extra weight and occupy both seats not that they are paid. The problem is not minor and while some are inclined to try to change eating habits and stress the terrible health problems that go hand in hand with the obesity worldwide, for others it must attack the pockets overweight. An example of this is Southwest Airlines Texan company started to charge double the obese, but so far this isolated case but no other has followed his example as a trade measure. In 2005 the airline Air France forced an overweight passenger to pay the cost of the second seat needed to occupy and morally humiliated him because, as claimed by the company, the flight was “saturated.” According to the decision of a French High Court, in 2007, the passenger is due to return the $ 500 cost of over-paid and be compensated with another 8,000, for moral damages.

The reality is that, as in other modes of transport, car seat those are not designed or equipped to accommodate an obese body. In fact, the occasional obese surprised to know that plastic services on board aircraft is not about only a preventive measure against possible terrorist attacks. Today, many airlines use plastic cutlery as a means to offset the weight of those who use forks and spoons more frequently than recommended. To avoid stress when the portal will be very useful. You’ll find, and European and intercontinental.

National Congress

Acceleration of such management measures, were even increased from the national Government that took office in May 1958. As a foretaste of what would become known as plan Larkin, in 1959, was enacted a regime of promotion of the automotive industry under which came to install twenty-three factories of cars in the country. Shortly before being overthrown the Government that commissioned it, in February 1962, was presented the Plan Larkin, that for the purposes of enabling the development of automotive caminero complex in the country, sugeria, the Elimination of thirteen thousand kilometres of track, leaving the network at 29,000 kilometers (Interestingly the length which has in our days). Nothing earned, again the voice in the wilderness of shiny Aaron, who in 1960 transport National Congress, once again propose that the railways were operated by Argentine private capital. Immediately the Larkin Plan, despite strong protests, began to deploy and soon began, the lifting of some branches that have no explanation yet, as you didn’t promote the automotive road complex. Also the density and quality of the services was ostensibly lowering.

Even so and in the midst of all the vicissitudes, the network achievement stabilize in 41,000 miles until March of 1976, being no stranger to it, the management of the general De Marchi, in front of the Argentine railways between 1966 and 1972. After the coup of 1976, the Government de facto through the national transport plan, resumed the libretto of the Larkin plan. And it should be remembered that the person who was in charge of that National Plan, was the same that would command the railway privatization since 1989. We all remember that by 1989, the railways were collapsing, and this largo(aunque reducido relato) shows that this collapse was not spontaneous but deliberate. 5315 Laws and 11658, had fulfilled its task. That map of 1933, had passed the paper to the pavement.