The Brazilian Republic lives on. However, nor the processes of settling and descolonizao nor the innumerable displacements of resultant populations of other factors occurred in this period, (although the contact intensification that had promoted), had been propitious ground to the respect to the differences. In rule, it was the disrespect to the same ones that it prevailed. The respect to the diversity is a recent claim and it has not been an easy conquest, even so comes if extending in the direction to enclose an oppressed number each bigger time of. The fight for the recognition is not confined to the racial or ethnic differences (black, indians, gypsies, for example), but also if extend to the differences of sort (in the case, the woman), of sexual option (in the masculine case, lesbians, homosexuals) and to others as many minorities. In republican regimen (1890? 1930), we have the first debate on Religious Ensino in result of the separation between Church and State, this takes the Constituent of 1891 to declare layperson the education given in the public buildings. But, exactly with this device, Religious Ensino if keeps under the prism catholic for zeal and culture.
From 1934, this disciplines on account passed to be admitted in facultative character through the decree of 30/04/1931 of the reform Francisco Fields (BRAZIL, 1934). Article 153 said that, Religious Ensino will be of frequency facultative and given in accordance with the principles of the religious confession of the pupil, revealed for the responsible parents or, and will constitute substance of the schedules in primary, secondary, professional and normal the schools public. To the measure that the republican period was succeeded, the constitutions that if follow even so keep Religious Ensino with some variants. However, with the device to follow, it has a bigger opening contemplating religious education. Religious Ensino, of facultative school registration, will constitute disciplines of the normal schedules of the official establishments of 1 and 2 degrees. The Noahide commandments can also serve as a basis of social and moral order.