The quality of service and information technology are two of the most exploited factors in finding and attracting new customers in the corporate area for the travel agencies in Bolivia in the past two years. It is important to framing corporate customer as one who uses the services of an agency of travel to plan and implement workplace travel and business itself. After gradual, but steady, decline of commissions from airlines and the emergence of the FEE in return as an important element for the subsistence of travel agencies, had to justify to the customer why is last had to pay for a service that not did before; and that eventually came to be thought of as an unnecessary step to the achievement of an airline ticket, book a hotel, a transfer and/or other additional services that may be required; What led to the abuse in the emphasis, within the commercial proposals, quality of service and information technology. Despite being a factor very exploited to attract customer, in regards to information technology is working very little in reality, still very poor what can offer to the client as an added value in aspects of communication through web pages, extranet, mobile, among others, to allow easier and faster to do the services. Another aspect to consider is the low reliability that the client has in technological tools, as well as the little friendliness that still have these channels of communication. Even so, and even though it would have done a better job within the information technology, this is only a complement to the most important factor for a client, the quality of the service. To design quality of service first must determine what are the requirements and expectations of external customers; and within the provision of services, in the corporate area, there are 3 categories of sub customers for each company that works with a travel agency.
The key of UP is its philosophy of zero cost that 100 percent of the contributions arrives at its destination, since, to avoid charges, founding members made available the Association its own media individuals (vehicles, computers, etc.). Aware of the social commitment that must assume the companies today and its corporate responsibility on issues like environment or distributive justice, Marketalia has performed selflessly project website, as well as the development of the corporate image for this Association. In this web, and in a clear and simple manner, facilitating the navigability of the users, the philosophy of functioning of United we can, their collaborative projects is exposed (completed or ongoing), as well as an invitation to collaborate with UP-time or periodically. In shades of warm, earthy, very characteristic of the countries where so far has worked UP, the website invites us to discover how with a small contribution can change the life of so many people. With a casual style but without graphic fanfare, friendly language and some nice pets, the Upines, it is revealed how easy that is to bring happiness to those on which natural disasters, famine or disease have been primed.
School supplies or medicines, even helping to build homes, hospitals or schools, any of us can collaborate with UP. Because together we can. About Marketalia Marketing Online: Marketalia was born in 1999 as the Portal of the Internet Marketing and later as online marketing consulting: Marketalia is composed of a multidisciplinary team of consultants coming from different areas of Internet (Marketing, sales, e-Business, e-commerce, programming, design, training). Marketalia, has retrieved scores of Google Analytics Authorized Consultant and Google AdWords Certified Partner. About United we can: Inscribed in 2010 in the national register of associations of the Ministry of the Interior, UP It is an independent association non-profit organization, which aims to carry out educational projects and programs of education and child training, programs and projects of sanitation and hygiene, or other actions solidarity and/or humanitarian anywhere in the world. It uses its website as a vehicle for attracting partners and collaborators to their different solidarity projects.
One of the issues that has gone into the background with the improvement of communications (types of network topologies) and bandwidth has been the speed of loading web pages. Years ago it was common to have to wait patiently for that web page will be shown on the screen. Anyway it is not more control the loading speed of the corporate website. This issue will not depend on only our page, but also where it is housed. In this case the binomial should be balanced and poor accommodation which work slowly and is not as good as it should can ruin our load time and make our visitor to desist from the intention of seeing our page if it takes a little more than usual.
In what is directly related to our page interesting thing is that load quickly (types of network topology), for which it is essential that is light, i.e. information that has to be loaded to occupy little space. This implies is not very overloaded images or video that are the aspects that most take to charge. There are solutions that we should flee, as in the case of previous submissions, which were previously widely used precisely to avoid that page will take to load. Today it is a question to dispose of. It is preferable to strike a balance between content that we want to teach in front with the speed of page load. There are different solutions (network topology) and pages to which we can go that they measured the load time of our corporate website to check the charging time. Many of them give us further advice on how to improve or what are the optimum values for our website. For this reason many loaded only text elements, so the comparison with other pages is based on the same criteria.
Many times to create a company are so engaged with all the paperwork is legal, that we forgot something really important: the corporate image. We must bear in mind the image that people have of our company, especially when you start the activity, is that we will show, for example, with our logo, stationery and website. Often make the mistake of putting importance to these parts of the company, especially because of the high cost that usually create a corporate image from scratch. One of the points that we must bear in mind is to find a company that offers us all these services, because that costs you much cheaper. There are companies that play a very important asset for these small and medium-sized businesses that need a branding professional, consistent, efficient and very cost-effective cost in order to be competitive in its sector. By using the services of these companies can have the web design, hosting and domain that best fit the needs of our company, or what is still better, all these services along with the design of the logo and stationery for our SMEs included in one package, with which we will manage a corporate identity much more homogeneous and tailored to our needs and expectations. This clear that currently, create a company may seem crazy, but we must bear in mind that if we know to look for companies that offer us the best services and we know exactly what our expectations are, it can be a great solution to combat the crisis in which we are stuck.
The first step in the preparation of an audiovisual presentation is to define a script. Audiovisual budget includes the cost of preparation of the technical script, or audiovisual script, which appreciates the definition of the idea, and that defines the order and form in images and other graphic elements are scanned in the video. We must distinguish that, the literirio script, which is that a narrator locutara with background images, usually make it the client. Another element referred to audiovisual budgets is the scenery. Although normally corporate videos are filmed in the customer’s own premises, in some cases are required to request permission because of filming in certain public spaces, filming in dish with white Cyclorama, acquire certain elements of decoration (props), etc. These are the elements referred to in the heading of scenery.
In corporate audiovisual given the presence of artistic personnel may be needed. This heading takes into account the participation of actors or actresses in the filming, with their included image rights, figurative characters, dancers, costumes, makeup, etc. Usually not usual to count with the presence of artistic personnel in company videos. One of the main headings of an audiovisual budget is that valued crew. This heading includes all the necessary equipment to carry out filming: one or several cameras, tripods, lighting, ambient, or lapel microphone kits, reflectors, battery, cranes, tapes, hard drives, monitors, etc., must also include the transport of the same until the place where will be done filming.
Therefore, it will also be necessary that this breakdown in the budget, the technical team that will participate in the filming.The staff involved are: the producer, the / operator/s camera, audio and lighting, auxiliary staff, etc. Also includes transport and, if necessary, the diets of such personnel. Some of the main protagonists in the corporate video is the announcer/Bender.This heading in a company video budget contemplates the work of elocution, the assignment of rights of use of the recorded voice and professional recording studio time. In addition to the speaker, as indispensable in any video production sound item, includes one or more tunings music background. This heading includes the cost of such tuning, both if it is an original musical composition for the client, as if it is a tuning acquired in a bookstore, with its acquired rights to use. The post-production process, whose description you can see in one of our articles already published the video post-production process, is that pose a greater computation of hours of dedication to the creation of an audiovisual process, and therefore will be one of the most important items of the budget. This heading includes the working hours of the video, the audio and multimedia (design editor graphic, authoring DVDs, photographic retouching, etc.). Finally, the adaptation of the resulting video to the format of delivery chosen also dyes its presence in every budget.Copying, printing and delivery, include addition, the recording of the DVD master, design and stamping on the cover of the disc and box, as well as shipping, all copies, the destination chosen by the customer. Remember the production corporate video Audiovisual workshop specialist are at your disposal to carry out the budget for the corporate video for your company, as well as explain the detailed each of his games meaning.
A renewed directory, with members coming from various fields of regional endeavour incorporating, assumed October 16 conduction of the private corporation for the development of Aysen (Codesa), after completing the week before the ordinary General Assembly of partners. One of the main actions of the short term of the new administration, in addition to continue working in cultural initiatives, local economic development, citizen participation and the Patagonian environment protection, will be updating the statutes, whereas the new challenges of the Aysen Region and the emergence of new technologies, the latter to make more fluid and participative management and operation internal. Since be constituted the private corporation for the development of Aysen by the end of the 1980s, it has been always present in large challenges and processes that have been carried out in the region and also in the Chilean Patagonia. And from the imprint of their different directories you have contribution to the collective and comprehensive of the most diverse topics discussion expressed the new President, Patricio Segura Ortiz. In this regard he thanked all those who have been involved at some point with the work of Codesa, since the founders until those who throughout these 20 years have fulfilled various functions in management positions or in the execution of projects. In addition the directive new Luis Moraga as Vice-President, Fabien Bourlon as Treasurer, Claudia Torres as Secretary, and Alejandro de el Pino, Miriam Chible and Charles Samson directors holders make up. Assumed as Deputy Directors Florence Labarca, Veronica Venegas, Alexandra Yannakos, Flor Quiroz and Lorena Santibanez. Integrate the team professionals, technicians and citizens who serve in areas as diverse as forestry research, tourism, bioclimatic architecture, culture, action and social communication, and local economic development. The Codesa private corporation for the development of Aysen project has led and participated in various projects in the region, including flavors of Aysen, the school of guides of Patagonia, the public-private consortium of the center of scientific tourism, Hans Steffen Cinerary Memorial and by Chile and Aysen seminars we learn from energy. Today, among other initiatives, works together with other organizations as Codeff in the proposal for a development model for an Aysen as a reserve of life, with the support of the Avina Foundation, international institution which promotes local leadership for sustainable development in Latin America.