The events happen, the facts are constituted by the linguistic description. The way of the used language to constitute the facts can be legalized and be governed by rules, as in the scientific and traditional speeches; it can be relatively free, as in all modernista literary speech or can be a combination of practical legalized and free discursivas. Paul Veyne in its assay As if writes History, subjectively reaffirmed the propensity of history to the narrative and literature, suggesting that the historian, in its craft, would act as the literato, taken for the tram and the urdido plot. Of this form, as the exposition of Veyne, the historian must be assumen of the notion of intrigues, elaborated for the fiction, resource that a more including understanding of the event will make possible. He is the narrator, through its intrigues, that it makes to emerge of the esquecimento the disordered substance of possible events, attributing felt to the facts.
facts do not exist separately, in the direction of that the fabric of history is what we will call a tram, a mixture much very little scientific human being and of material causes, ends and acasos; of one he slices of the life that the historian isolated according to its convenience, where the facts has its subjective bows and its relative importance. The quarrel elaborated here if inserts in the call Cultural History, a subcarrier of the history that if occupies of a variety of devices, is they written, verbal or imagtico, sheltering innumerable possibilities of treatment with the sources, inquiries and readings. The historian Robert Darnton is who guides in them regarding the possibility of reading of practical the social ones, ' ' because if he can read a ritual or a city, in the same way as if he can read a popular story or a text filosfico' ' , warning the author for the search of the meanings that appear to each new to look at on the object.
The wealth of stories, legends and the quantity of tricks will constitute the used data base of cultural images in the interactive situations. To make use of such images are basic to instrumentalizar the child for the construction of the knowledge and its socialization. When playing the child puts into motion itself in search of partnership and the object exploration; she communicates yourself with its pairs; express through multiple languages; it discovers rules and it takes decisions (VYGOTSKY 1988, cited for, FRIEDMANN, 2003). To if thinking about the evolution of playing, it must be come back to the past, time in which playing age a characteristic activity in such a way of the children how much of the adults, representing for both an important segment of the life. The children participated of the festividades, leisure and games of the adults, but they had, at the same time, a separate sphere of games. The tricks were formulate condensed of life, models in miniature of history and destination of the humanity.
The trick was the social phenomenon of which all participated and were only that it lost its communitarian bonds and its religious symbolism, becoming well later individual (FRIEDMANN, 2003:28). According to Grandson (2001), playing through the movements, it allows to the child a set of relations (subject, the things, the space) necessary to its motor development, learning to perceive and to interacionar the vivid one, the operatrio and the mental one. The wealth of acquisitions processes of form continues and in plasticity, allowing later a basic motor culture the tasks most necessary and that they request greater requirement of the diverse structures or components of the motricidade. Thus the tricks are part of the playful-cultural patrimony, translating values, customs and forms of thought and teachings, providing to the children a basic motor culture to its development and its learning. Playing in the school In accordance with Moyles (2002: 26), exist three forms to play in the school where it is distinguished: Basic form Detail Examples To play Physical ample Engine Construction and Destruction Blocks to mount, clay, sand and wood.
As LUIZ (1993) says: The essential purpose of Organization and Methods consists of the beginning of rationalization of the methods of work of form qualifying the individual to better produce more and inside of a unit of time. With effect, the simple application of a method of rational work, as it designates Harry Miller, with the same use of human resources and material, it can increase very in the productivity of the work. The results gotten for the application of the techniques of & M is of quantitative and qualitative nature. It enters the results of quantitative nature we can cite: – increase of the production with the same work time; – exactly volume of production with lesser time of work; – increase of production with the same number of employees; – exactly volume of production with the lesser number of employees. How much to the qualitative results, gotten through & M, we can mention: – better general quality of the product; – bigger precision technique for produced unit; – bigger rapidity and pontualidade in the cronograma of production; – bigger homogeneity of the product, in relation the color, weight, size, general finishing. It can be seen that Luiz elenca many factors that well are seen on the part of the company in its empreendedorismo politics can itself be applied in its managemental regimen and thus to surprise market to be to the front with products/innovative services, of value and therefore conquering the satisfaction of the customer. The company does not have only to be supported in strategies offered for the administration but also for the accounting thus to be able to keep the empreendedorismo as form of new strategical vision in the world contemporary. As IUDICIBUS et al (1993) says: The accounting, in the quality of methodology especially conceived to catch, to register, to accumulate, to summarize and to interpret the phenomena that affect the patrimonial, financial and economic situations of any being, either this natural person, not-lucrative entity of purpose, company, or same public corporation, such as: State, City, Union, Autarchy etc., have a circumscribed field of performance to the supramentioned entities, what it is equivalent to say, very ample.